
Pflegenotstand 2024: Patients sit in Kliniken fest

Pflegenotstand 2024: Patients sit in Kliniken fest

Image: – Yuri A/

Die Lage in deutschen Krankenhäusern spitzt itself dramatically zu. Patients should pay more attention to their treatment at a Pflegeplatz.

When visiting the patient in Germany, he is often treated in the Krankenhaus on the Platz in a Pflegeheim. The Leibniz Institute for Economic Research has celebrated in a study based on the Krankenkassen dates in 2011 and 2019 that the Verweildauer in the Krankenhäusern is 40 Prozent high.


As a result of the research that affected patients at the end of their lives in the sick home, patient costs increased to 400 euros per patient. Other affected areas are regions with few Pflegeheimplätzen and hohem Personalmangel as well as Patients with higher Pflegegrad.

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Lea Bergmann, Gesundheitsökonomin vom RWI, concretet de Notnauwekeit von Maßnahmen zur Ausbildung und Rekrutierung von Pflegekräften, een des Pflegenotstand entgegenzuwirken en de nuisanceten Krankenhäuser zu enlasten:

“Our study medical research, which requires the mangle and the Pflegeheimplätzen and qualificationpersonal Pflege-nicht now the Verweildauer von Krankenhaus patients, is under the Krankenhaus costs very high.”

Meer Ausbildung von Pflege redactieorderlich

And furthermore: “Because of the nursing care and the overburdened care of the nursing home, so that urgent medical care will be necessary for care and recruitment of health care professionals – also in the Ausland.

Denn: The personal passage in the Pflege process is important for those affected. Other persons are affected in particular, persons with a high degree of care – also persons who have been in good health since.”

Vorschläge von Berliner Forschern

An interdisciplinary Arbeitsgruppe of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie van Wissenschaften has a präsentiert presentation, one of the Pflege in Deutschland, which deals with machen. They heard the previous Maßnahmen:

1. Anhebung des Personalschlüssels

Due to the personal treatment, there are a number of patients who can make the best choice for patients. There is a personal care that provides more personal care for the patient, a better care for your personal care and the job placement for your personal personal care to reduce.

2. Neuausrichtung des Gesundheitssystems mit stärkerer Orientierung and de Beürfnissen der Menschen

The healthcare system is more suitable for the individual patient beds that are oriented. It may be that communication between patients, patients and patients provides an opportunity for comprehensive involvement in the patient situation.

3. Neue Ausbildungsstrukturen und Akademisierung der Pflegeberufe

The representation in the Pflegeberufen is being reformed and is being academically recognized. More and more Pflegekräfte besser of the complex problems that arise and the attractive properties of the Pflegeberufe will be stimulated.

4. Förderung fachlicher Autonomy und interprofessional Zusammenarbeit

Pflegekräfte sollen more Entscheidungsbefugnisse and Verantwortung in ihrem Arbeitsbereich erhalten. Ensure that health care enables a change in health care (ZB, therapy, therapy, treatment), optimal care of the patient through his health care needs.

5. Wiederbelebung der Gemeindeschwester (nurse in community health care)

The Gemeindeschwester war van een Pflegekraft, die for de Versorgung van Patients in de häuslichem Umfeld ziständig war. These concepts will probably be a concern for patients from the Krankenhäusern and Pflegeheimen that arise.

6. Stärkung der Pflegewissenschaft

The Pflegewissenschaft-beschäftigt is with the systematic Erforschung der Pflege. During an investigation that has been carried out, there is a proven evidence that has been won by the ruling of the practice involved.

7. Patient-oriented care and support of care recipients

The advice is aimed at the individual beds of patients. If you solve a problem, it often becomes a larger part of the supply and you can set a higher tax yourself.

8. Digitale Unterstützung und Frühwarnsysteme

Einsatz’s digital technology ensures that you can no longer study and pay. Beispiele sind electronic documentation systems, telemedizine or sensors, the Changes in Health Care Zustand of Patients frühzeitig recognize and report (Frühwarnsysteme).

In thinking about a turnaround reform, the structure of the reforms as an education of government is characterized by promoting employment, supervision and autonomy.

When patients and their elders die, they will be solved with an improved problem situation. With more personal advice, a strong orientation and the bed design of people and healthy care, the quality of the offer is high and there is a long breathing space.