
Shandong is the host of the “Dialogue with BRICS” (Dialogue with BRICS), one of the “Shandong-Modell” of the BRICS Trade Agreement for its existence

Shandong is the host of the “Dialogue with BRICS” (Dialogue with BRICS), one of the “Shandong-Modell” of the BRICS Trade Agreement for its existence

JINAN, China, November 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Am 14. November fand in Jinan die Konferenz “Dialogue with BRICS – Shandong Enterprise Innovation and Development” (Dialogue with BRICS – Shandong-Conferenz für Unternehmensinnovation und -engwicklung) statt vom Shandong-Unterausschuss des Chinese Tariffs for international trade activities. Under the motto “Work Together for Common Development” (Gemeinsam für eine gemeinsame Entwicklung) brought the Veranstaltung Vertreter von Botschaften, Wirtschaftsverbänden and der Geschäftswelt aus mehr as zehn Ländern zeeammen, darunter the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Brazil, um It is a pragmatic approach to developing and bringing together the “Shandong model” of local business and trade activities with the BRICS countries of the economy. The initiative of this initiative is the trade inspiration of Shandong Province and the BRICS state that verifies and substantiates shapes. It is a new development that allows a regularity with the Geschäftswelt of the BRICS-Staatsschaffing.

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Jim O’Neill, the better British Chancellor of the Exchequer, a better chef at Goldman Sachs and the director of the “BRICS” Begriffs, übermittelte a video botschaft. Grundsatzreden heeled Jean Felipe Celestino Gouhie, Chief Minister of the Brazilian Ministeriums für Landwirtschaft, Viehzoek und Lebensmittelversorgung (MAPA) in China, Abdulla Albasha Alnoaimi, Handelsberater der Botschaft der Vereinigten Araben Emiraat in China and representative of the Wirtschaftsministeriums der Vereinigten Araben Emiraat, and J alaluddin bin Alias , belonging to the Malaysian Exekutivrats des Staates Negeri Sembilan (EXCO).

Während der thematic Präsentationen concrete Meng Xiangdong, Vorsitzender des China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shandong Sub-council (Unterausschusses Shandong des Chinesischen Rates zur Förderung des internationalen Handels), new Möglichkeiten for a high-quality enterprise in Shandong Province. Most discussions on the topics of the digital transformation of the industry, smart intelligence, digital banking and Währungen ensure borderless business.

The Veranstaltung is one of the most important things in Business Matchmaking Sessions, which are in the branches of international trade, Landreifenden E-Commerce, Logistics and Lagerhaltung, Lebensmittelverarbeitung, Finanztrusts, Biotechnologie and Fertigungsmaschinen-konzentrierten. More than 150 Friends from China and Australia can start a matchmaking conversation.

The BRICS Cooperation Mechanism offers Schwellen- and Entwicklungsländern an important platform for energy and water interests. On January 1, 2024, the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism in the Mitgliedsländer was amended. At the same time, the BRICS state is controlling a major part of world trade. In the first quarter of this year, Shandong’s trade with the other new BRICS states amounted to 449.32 million yuan, accounting for 18.1 percent of the US power’s trade activities.

Quelle: China International Trade Promotion Council, Shandong Sub-Council

CONTACT: Kontaktperson: Frau Zhang, Tel.: 86-10-63074558

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