
Zimmer for 10,000 Euro for ESC? Software required Preise nach oben

The final of the Eurovision Song Contest in Basel can be broadcast live and take place in the region of the übernachten. Not all prices are that high. A Buchungsplattform weist Fehler auf.

Im Mai findet in Basel der weltgrößte Musikwettbewerb statt. If that time is one of the things that the book sport performs in a grim way. A night in a youth hostel can cost 200 euros, a private home can easily cost 4,000 euros. Zimmerpreise von fast 10,000 Euro Powers ebenfalls die Runde. An SWR study said hoteliers are not enjoying these high prices while spending their time booking sporting goods.

False price on Buchungsportal HRS

At the Buchungsportal HRS you will find a room for 9,999 Euro per night. Two affected hoteliers are not bothered by the fact that this Angebote is incorrect. If the platform has this preise-angibt, it is not even the case that Zimmer is free for the Time of the Eurovision Song Contests (ESC).

You are more than welcome to ask HRS for your press support. Technically knowledgeable man on the portal bought a Zimmer for 9,999 Euro per night – with false credit card information. Kurz darauf schwalling de Angebote alldings aus dem Netz.


Spend the night during the ESC in Basel.

Eurovision Song Contest lässt Hotelpreise explosion animals
Roads ESC in Basel: 9,999 Euro for a night in Lörrach

The monate of the Eurovision Song Contest in Basel has made the hotel price in the Dreiländereck extremely heavy. The final will take place on May 17 in the Basler St. Jakobhalle statt.

Verbraucherzentrale right with increasing Peisen

If a Zimmer has done this, there are prizes to be won – as well as in Buchungsporttalen as directly at the Hotels, by Oliver Buttler from the Verbraucherzentrale Baden-Württemberg. There is a warning that some hoteliers in room blocking will increase some of their sales. Price scaffolding can also be carried out. We can save a lot of money, but in other parts of Basel we will try other things. Dort finds neither man nor favorable Angebote.

Basler Politik unterstützt moreheitlich ESC

The next ESC discovery is from May 13 to 17 in Basel statt. Song talent Nemo from Switzerland won the Gesangswettweb with the song “The Code” that year in Malmö, Sweden. In Basler politics, a million-dollar audience will be shown at the event. The Cantonal Parliament is preparing for the summer of a loan of 37.5 million francs (and therefore 40 million euros). Politik und der Branchenverband HotellerieSuisse erwarten vom ESC deutliche wirtschaftliche Gewinne. In Liverpool 2023 ESC-Angaben won 175,000 Hotelzimmer im Stadtzentrum gebucht.

A large Leinwand works for the ESC in Basel. Performance in the Basler Rathaus. Hotel prices are up to date.

A large Leinwand in the Basler Rathaus works for the ESC.

dpa Bildfunk

Picture Alliance/dpa Bildfunk/ Keystone/ Georgios Kefalas

Volksabstimmung over de ESC-Austragung

This week in Basel, Trotz der Vorfreude is a Volksabstimmung zum ESC geben, nachdem the bibeltreue Smallest Party of the Eidgenössisch-Democratische Union more if those useful incentives are given. The criticism of the Wettbewerb as Steuerverschwendung and behauptet is vermittle Botschaften, the okkult, satanic and anti-Israeli seen. The Basler Regierungspräsident Conradin Cramer is convinced that the ESC has a negative status in Basel, now that the Fernsehshow is a support program with public viewings that are considered statutory. Ein Nein an der Urne gilded jedoch as unwahrscheinlich.