
The regents in the mystical Fasching heißen Tobias I. and Theresa II.

The regents in the mystical Fasching heißen Tobias I. and Theresa II.

Am 11. 11. start the official time, fun years. There have been a few days since the Heidechia is heated in the best conditions. The proclamation will be announced in Pfarrheim on November 16. A speech is given about the regents for the coming season: Tobias I. (Eisenmann) and Theresa II. (Wallner). In a mystical theater piece full of Rätsel and Geheimnisse enthüllte the Heidechia schlusdlich ihr Prinzenpaar. In our Antrittsrede, the respective regents will be an emerging Faschingszeit, thanked themselves at the Verein for the Möglichkeit, now in common as a couple who are willing to dare and present a course of success in their future.

Your private is a couple

Auch private since both die a couple. The Prinzessin continues with the 2018/19 season in the Garde and three months ago in the Fußstapfen in Schwester, which is experiencing the Prinzessin War in the anniversary year. In the season that the Prinz of the Heidechia-Garde is doing, an absolute first season with the Faschingsverein is a fact. Now that the representation of the representation of the representatives of the association has begun, with both a great Wunsch heritage.

Neben der Enthüllung des Prinzenpaares konnten sich die Gäste über Showeinlagen der Garde und des Heidechia Nachwuchses freuen. The X-Quiteens put on a great show during the show, before the motto for those years is used. In the present show “We love to dance” see the three Mädchen im Alter von 12 tot 16 Jahren ihre Liebe zum Tanzen. The program is a tribute to Tanzstile Contemporary, Stepp, Hip Hop and Latino. The teenage guard is trained in Julia Burglechner’s exciting season.

While the Garde der Heidechia stimulates the public with a horse show on the coming Saison one. Das Motto in diesem Jahr: “Mystica – a long-lasting world”. Feen, Götter, Amazons, dunkle Mächte und helle Magie: The new show, choreography and training of altbewährten Trainer-Duo Heidi Paulini-Lammet and Lisa Alteneder, entführt in een sagenhafte Welt en lädt zum Träumen ein. The Garde bestht in diesem Years aus 15 Tänzern und Tänzerinnen, davon gleich vier Neuzugänge.

Show premiere is on January 4

Now is the start of the next season and both gardens are on their way during the intensive training period. The show premiere will take place on Samstag, January 4, at the intronization in the Bürgerhaus Eching statt. On February 22, the legendary “White Night Party” will take place and on February 16, the Kinderfasching on Sonnat will take place on the Narren’s program. Karting for these Veranstaltungen is possible below [email protected] reserved.