
Podcast Refugium-Auszeit-Stipendium: Sechs Monate zum Durchatmen

Podcast Refugium-Auszeit-Stipendium: Sechs Monate zum Durchatmen

“It’s freedom,” said Iranian journalist Mahtab Gholizadeh, 38, as he sat at the Zeit in Berlin – the “personal” and jene, “offen meine sagen zu können”. It was the “vielen Menschen verschiedener Kulturen und Religionen”, the Egyptian journalist Karim Assaad, 31, in Berlin, who was not impressed. Mahtab and Karim visited their Monate in Berlin – as guests of the Panter Stiftung and of “Reporter ohne Grenzen” (RoG) in the Rahmen of the Auszeit-Stipendiums “Refugium”.

The conversations in English with the two Refuge-Stipendiat*innen 2024 can be found here (LINK available).

The Auszeitprogramma is thought for all journalists and journalists, who in their Homeland are being treated in the seriousness of the problems – we will be out of power in August with critical reports, we will see that state security has an incorrect relationship with our revolutionary garden fans, In this message you will see that the regime is not really successful. “Verrat von Staatsgeheimnissen” or “Beschädigung des Staates” lauten in Solchen Fällen meist die Vorwürfe.

RoG en taz Panter Stiftung has many collections and colleges in the past years and all the shops of the future after Berlin one ineloaded. Gholizadeh war ins Blickfeld der Behörden is, weil sie Artikel voor Ausländische Medien geschrieben hatte. The next steps are: an attack, the später zur Bewährung ausgesetzt wurde. Reports from other people about a mysterious flugzeug from Egypt, which money and waffen caused a war in Zambia. Reaktion der Obrigkeit: Hausdurchsuchungen und Arrestatie.

Sechs Monate in Berlin: Wohnung, Ruhe, Taschengeld

They were all good Gründe, sie nach Berlin zu holen, damn sie sich von Druck and Drangsal erholen können. If you know a home, a monatliches taschengeld, the occasion, the students and the students, and have feelings of guilt, or a way to sit on the couch, your thoughts, your thoughts, your lessons, your writing.

Gholizadeh hat in Berlin weiter for Iranian and German Media work, another available article is an article about Iran’s new presidents in the taz. Provide a course for digital security, knüpfte Kontakte, search Freunde und fuhr mit dem Fahrrad through Berlin. taz and RoG organize trips to Brussels to the EU, to Bonn to Deutschen Welle and to Hamburg to “Spiegel”.

Two and a half times a day we discuss the Egyptians with their friends and their small daughters in Cairo on a daily basis, and also those Iranians maintain constant contact with their families in Iran: “I am always missing.” Berlin was both a wonderful city, “for everything in the summer”, said Assaad, “Berlin was here, I was in a great time: Ruhe, a new opportunity for personal and personal development and the Möglichkeit, the world with others Augen zu sehen“, fügt der gypter hindzu. Gholizadeh fast that City with a Adjektiv sisterammen: „friedlich“ – and thanks „Refugium“, that it is in the Hand taken with it – „on the Way of the Entwicklung, which of the Tanz der bunten Blätter im Herbst: live, rough and beautiful“.

Both were not regular guests in Berlin. The new Ausschreibung für zwei Auszeit-Stipendien starting from May 2025:

Andreas Lorenz is one of the Kuratoriums that founded the Panther Foundation and the refugium program.