
Der Schweizer Bauer: Pflanzliche Produkte: Nestlé-Chef will praise «verssersern»

Der Schweizer Bauer: Pflanzliche Produkte: Nestlé-Chef will praise «verssersern»

If it’s not anymore, it’s worth it. “If it is not so, then it will be vernachlässigen, it is more in our playbook”, so Freixe, “aber will be advised to be new”.

There are two factors that are extremely important when producing products. “It’s a Geschmack. If it’s not good, then the demand for the product can’t be that high, so Freixe. This is a product offered by a few years ago, vegan “Gänseleber” from Marke Garden Gourmet, which is no more than good and can no longer be offered on the market.

«Und der zweite Punkt ist der Preis», so Freixe. If so, the products cannot be purchased. Once the time comes, the price has fallen on the product of the Vegan-Linie Garden Gourmet, but it is never a matter of food, but Nestlé is so good when it comes to price improvements.