
Tennis Club 1903 eV: Tennis meets Kegeln

Tennis Club 1903 eV: Tennis meets Kegeln

Derzlich stattgefundene Clubnachmittag war een gelungen aus Sport, Geselligkeit und der Möglichkeit, neuer Mitglieder will know. With 26 Teilnehmern im Alter von 10 bis 82 Years bot die Veranstaltung eine ideal Occasion, Teil der Gemeinschaft zu zijn.

If you are aware of the care, you can reach the Teilnehmer in the Zwei Gruppen, the distance to the Tennisplatz and the Kegelbahn-nutzten. Start with a healthy and healthy boost. At the tennis game or at Kegeln – you might be laughing and frustrated. Note the harmonious interaction between the alternative groups: The young players play with Freude while playing tennis, where Kegler plays in his sports activities.

Three tennis courts offer exciting matches in small teams, which do not play in sporting events, among the local community. The Kegelbahn is a very program including wettkämpfen, the space for friendly rivalry and the new talent boats.

The gelungenen Abschluss statue is one of the gemstones in Essen at La Piazza. Here you will find the contents of the tag in the safe Atmosphäre Revue passeren, knüpften new contacts and connections besthende. The conversations and research went beyond Rahmen’s sport.

The club night war is a fuller story: the combination of tennis and skittles is no longer sportingly accepted, but is increasingly supported by the length of the past generations. An event, if you are sure, you can find parties on the calendar for a year!

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