
Wetter: Temperature in Berlin and Brandenburg gradually increasing

Wetter: Temperature in Berlin and Brandenburg gradually increasing

Wetter: An Lkw fährt on a winter light fresh alley in the Oder-Spree district in East Brandenburg. On Wednesday it gets warmer and the white Pracht schwindet. (Symbol image)
An Lkw fährt on a winterlight alley in the Oder-Spree district in East Brandenburg. On Wednesday it gets warmer and the white Pracht schwindet. (Symbol image)
© Patrick Pleul/​dpa

Nach kühlem Start with the temperature on the weekend Berlin and Brandenburg all-mählich wieder nach oben. Who der Deutsche Wetterdienst in Potsdam Mitteilte is, is a Freitag in involving Himmel, so wie Schnee-, Schneeregenoder Graupelschauern zunächst nor at one of his three degrees. In the night it is null bis minus two gradations on the road.

At a Wechsel van Sonne und Wolken is the maximum pleasure of Grad Gibt on the Samstag of the previous trip to the north of Berlin, nor any Schnee or Schneeregenschauer. It could be even more. During the night when the wind blows from south to south, the Niederschläge turns into rain, the sunntagmittag wieder nachlässt. If you lock it, it says that it has the probe and the maximum eight of its highest degree than the German heat in the Tagen.

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