
EU: Weber Strategy on gefährlichem Terrain – Politik

EU: Weber Strategy on gefährlichem Terrain – Politik

As chief of the European People’s Party (EPP), the CSU police is no longer, all 14 designated Kommissarinnen and Kommissare, the Christian democratic-conservative Party family, salvation through the Anhorungen in the European Parliament of many. There is a setzte mit rabiaten Methoden that ensure that a Follower of the Italian Regierungschefin Giorgia Meloni will become a Stellvertreter of President Ursula van de Leyen.

Races in Weber jetzt den Rächer

Raffaele Fitto, a politician, a post-faschist party, on a heraushobenen posts in the Commission – the CSU politician Manfred Weber has supported the EU in Neuland. If the power of parliament is maximum disbelief by Weber, it is true that the EPP can more rightly count on power in parliament, so it cannot be that he is doing well.

In the Brüsseler EU Blase wird nun spekuliert: Was treibt Weber um? A Theory lautet: Rache. Weber, so it is true that the recognition of social democracy, which will not happen again for the next few years, will become the committee chairman, as the EPP’s leading candidate is the Europawahlen who won this prize. Is it Mr. Weber, a Rächer?

Bei der Frage Manfred Weber laughs on the phone. The Theme had been absent for a long time, said from Malta, where an EINEM EPP Congress member was. Weber thought that it was more likely that the right to attack social democracy and growth would increase. “The War of Anfang and an Irrtum, Raffaele Fitto zum Symbol für die Abgrenzung zum Rechtsradkalismus zu machen. And when the strategic power struggle arises, it is not possible for others to understand what they are doing.”

That one will be there, the others will bond

Weber nimmt für sich in Anspruch, a strategic trade policy zu sein. Your major themes as a part and fragmentation chief will be the basis of the Versuch, the right Lower in European politics will be spalten. It will be bothered that the right-wing von der EPP is a serious conservative Kraft-erwächst. The extremes, the rights that apply, therefore fall under the theory, the others will be as few as possible. If critical comments are made, there are funds: pro EU, pro Ukraine, pro Rule of Law. The big problem is getting access to EU funding.

If the strategy moves to the right, Weber’s strategy passes to the highest ground, and the way this happens can start even more – now that it is part of the Fratelli of the Italian fortress.

Weber himself and Leute aus seinem Team sich anlässlich der Parlamentswahlen 2022 in Italy with great Aufwand schlau über the Fratelli d’Italia – deren Geschichte, his Programmatik, his Personal. When Weber joined the Schluss, it is the best choice for the Hoffnung that Giorgia Meloni became involved in a constructive policy in the EU. Even if you contact us. Man has “not to label right-wing conservatives as right-wing extremists and in a Schublade with AfD and Co. Stecken,” said Weber.

Beinharte Machtpolitik, a Meloni as a strategic partner in its own right

After the first contacts, “all alone in the matter” was established, Weber recalls. There are criticisms of the parties Friedrich Merz (CDU) and Markus Söder (CSU), and in Brüssel Eindruck’s results have become very significant. Do it differently. Meloni is a constructive kraft in the EU. And Raffaele Fitto, der Mann, de Meloni in de Kommission entsandte, enjoys in Italy over Party borders with respect. If you have the Entscheidung rückte in Brussels, the growth of Italian politics is a problem for the Partei, i.e. the Social Democrats.

No one knows that the Brussels social democracy is still unable to lift the blockade – if Manfred Weber no longer has power, in the fight against the socialist Teresa Ribera as a candidate for the blocking committee. Beinharte Machtpolitik met dem Ziel, Giorgia Meloni as strategic partner of the EPP for its security. Iratxe García, the Leader of the Social Democrats, may be small, a job is a fraud on his country.

Manfred Weber is, if one wants it, on the high signaling power in Brussels. The Europawahlen has been won and Ursula von der Leyen zur Wiederwahl has won. Thanks to the National Wahlerfolge Stelen Parteien, the EPP angehören, 14 of 27 Kommissarinnen and Kommissare. The EPP would not have more power in the Mitgliedsländer council, so Friedrich Merz will go to the Bundeskanzler.

Kränkungen erschweren die Zusammenarbeit

Manfred Weber will lead the EPP’s policy across all EU institutions, based on the EPP-Wahl program. After the EPP rulers have been charged with decision-making in parliament, these turbulent weeks will take place.

Weber himself is a deeply flawed man, wracked by political issues, who find himself in the wake of fascism. There is a natural character of the “Verwundungen” in others, said Weber. “It is a war that will no longer last for social democracy, but it may want to achieve more.” If everything has to disappear, there will be more “little left-wing liberal Dominanz” in Parliament. “Die Grünen is one of the most exciting factions, that is the Wählerwille in Europe. If I can’t save, the EVP will gain more weight and leave the line.”

EPP, social democracy und liberal wollen weiterhin de Politik der Kommission, in een gemeinsamenamen Paper erneuerten sie diese Woche in Allianz. If I spent more time tragfähig, Hilfe would become brauchen. As a Christian democracy with a very political Wurzeln principle, Weber may own the Greens. After the political low disagreements, the EPP is highly valued by the Fratelli world. If you want to set the fragmentation after the Brandmauer to the right, this is no longer possible.

When Weber and de Leute tap in the fall

An inexperienced culture is being created in Europe with rights and right-wing extremes. In the Ländern wie Österreich, the Niederlanden, Finland or Sweden were extreme Rechte Teil von Regierungskoalitionen. We have gone into Weber’s Fraktion when it comes to vaccination without any consequence of its own program that you cannot follow, but it is still not possible or no longer possible. If the EPP wants to contribute to the AfD, the entire EPP migration policy program is a fact. Weber and seine Leute tappt in the Falle, es hagelte Kritik.

Grundsätzlich believes Weber, the European Parliament must undertake tactical activities, stop the AfD and other ultra-right people. “Wir müssen den Leuten said: We will listen, we will be happy, we will solve problems. If the guilt of the Bauern and the Arbeiter is not serious, then it is the Nährboden for the AfD.”

Weber reports from an Ortstermin at the Bavarian Bauern. The EU organization is a big theme and a Grund, where the Umfrage a landwirtschaftlichen fachblatts ergab: Een Drittel der Bauern wolle for the AfD-stimmen. Deshalb brought the EPP ephemeral rule in parliament on the road, there are many rights and rights that reach a higher degree. Weber says: “If the Bauern and the Sollie say things, it will be at the Entwaldungsverordnung keine Anträge zur Entbürokratisierung, how will the AfD ultimately make his or her money?”

Diese Woche hatte Weber Chefs der deutschen Automobilindustrie zu Gast in Brüssel, the Stimmung was verheerend. There will be a tsunami in Germany and Europe, says Weber. “When we get older, we will think about the Konzerne and the Verbrenner roads through the climate policy, then it can be: Good Night!”

Manfred Weber has had a turbulent week. Under what the even more turbulent Wochen would be before sich.