
Der Politiker Jürgen Trittin is located in Vegesack aus seinem neuen Buch

Der Politiker Jürgen Trittin is located in Vegesack aus seinem neuen Buch

Herr Trittin, Sie since in Vegesack aufgewachsen. What memories are there in Bremen-Nord?

Jürgen Trittin: The bookstore Otto and Sohn have become so soft. I think I will contact you and have an address for my personal information. In Bremen-North war until 1973. Ursprünglich has gebt in Lesum, dann später nach Schönebeck zückt, en ab der fünften Klasse ich das Gerhard-Rohlfs-Gymnasium besucht. If I then have a später, nor once in Bremen-Nord, if I want to see my Willen in the Lettow-Vorbeck-Kaserne in the Vahr, the Wehrdienst must leisten and then in Lemwerder Zivildienst leisten dared. That’s how I lived in Schönebeck.

Go to the Montag class in the Vegesacker Stadtkirche in a new book. Who is it for you, an Ihren früheren Lebensort zurückzukehren? Gibt es noch Verbindungen nach Bremen?

It’s one of my secret things. Pastor Keller war a class comrade meines Bruders. A Verbindung nach Vegesack is about the father, that is my Mutter, who inzwischen lived in the Weserstraße, to his great hope has often watched. And Bremen no longer has a friend. A connection to Vegesack has a tremendous influence on a lesson in Prenzlauer Berg. There is a person speaking who can deal with the guilt. Wir Schüler has given the impression that he has recruited a professional worker in his Lehrerzimmer. The Rektor has punished a woman, a Schülerin – and will treat this Schülerin in most cases.

Der Titel Ihres Buches lautet “Everything must be different”. The blade can be stored and changed again. Welche Überlegung steckt behind diesem Buchtitle?

If a democratic, human and social community exists, then it can be that the best Sachen-verändern are.


It is a choice for the German German model model, with a billigem Russengas Stahl and Cars Restore and that in the whole world of sales. These models no longer function. From three Gründen: Zum a roads der Klimakrise. Zum other roads of the Abhängigkeit von Autokraten. Wladimir Putin is not one of the only ones. We come to play with gas over which Türkei loves. You can use a fossil importing machine. As the Ausbau consumes energy, the wires are placed in the first rotting direction as we proceed. Zweitens were in Autoland. If we infringe, it will not be possible to buy and produce E-Cars like the Chinese. One problem is that it exports all over the world. Was passion with the new regulation in the USA? Would Trump make it? Then the export model has become an infringement. Jede Veränderung brings it with it, the man of it was Abschied nimmt. If it is so, I’ll be happy to see you again. I think man instituted these discourses. Man muss ihnen nur sagen, welche Schritte man geht. In the first few years of the Ampelregierung it is a good idea. Weil with a strompreisbremse hat and the gasreisdeckel. The critical management of the Ampel itself is then ruined, but the common good of others does not go.

The new book is a retrospective on his political Wirken – a political autobiography. What things in politics are meant to last through the years?

The book is not a chronological message about my political life, but is one of the four themes of democracy, Gleichheit, Ökologie and international low-ordered analysis with facets of my political life. If Stichwort Veränderung is a challenge, the man himself was a change hat. If we want to leave the Grundlage, the world will be climate neutral. That’s what it was and we were doing it in Deutschland. If the Verenderungen are stirred up at some point, the country’s political power will be long. A bot in the US has canceled Trump’s Wahlkampfrede in New Yorker’s Madison Square Garden. See comment: “That’s Sportpalast”. Trump’s idea is the idea of ​​a state, in one of the monopolies. It is the Herausforderung, before the American Society is jetzt steht. Auch in Europa stehen wir unter schwerem Druck. Man has to go to Italy now. Gleichzeitig gibt is Hoffnung. In Poland, the Partei von Jaroslaw Kaczynski lost during the Parlamentswahl 2023 after eight years and the power of the Regierungsmehrheit. It was the women who were abolished, that’s the fault. In the US, the black woman has risked her fair share of Kamala Harris. It’s worth beating Trump, and it’s possible that it’s a dividing issue. Wir können davon lernen: This is a historical event that no longer fascinates Germany and takes over power.

The Ampel coalition has been destroyed. They were from October 1998 to November 2005 and the Bundesumweltminister was in a rotten government and had the experience that Chancellor Gerhard Schröder set the Vertrauensfrage-stellte and his Neuwahlen-gab. Angela Merkel has formed Kanzlerin and Chef a large Koalition. Who has the background of the Ampel-Aus experience?

A larger quantity of the product is used: The Ampel has more value. Scholz’s Vertrauensfrage is a real Vertrauensfrage. Rot-Grün had a nice month in 2005, when the Kanzler had the Vertrauensfrage stellte. Gerhard Schröder was the first to start Tod Selbstmord. The war with the current Bundestagswahl was a fact in 2005.

Inzwischen has a partial function of the schwarz-grüne regime. Who knows, it may be one of the things that becomes a single Regierung in the Bundesbene that can be done?

It hangs from Wahlergebnis ab. Die Tage bis zur Wahl was not exciting. And the Frage ist: Will man choose a Koalition, which will last long? A schwarz-rote Koalition des Stillstands?

Das Gespräch führte Ulrike Schumacher.

Sour person

Jürgen Trittin was born in 1954 and went home to Vegesack. Since 1980, Mitglied der Grünen. There was war for 25 years before his mandate was resigned in January that year. From war 1990 to 1994 Jürgen Trittin was Federal Minister for Federal and European Affairs, from October 1998 to November 2005 war he was Federal Minister for Environment, Natural Environment and Reaction. From 2009 to 2013 it was the Fraktionsvorsitzender, from 2014 to 2024 it was Mitglied im Auswärtigen Ausschuss en jijetzt außenpolitischer Sprecher seiner Fraktion. Jürgen Trittin was committed to energy politics and global justice.


Der Politiker und gebürtige Vegesacker Jürgen Trittin liest am Montag, 25. November, in Kirchenschiff der Vegesacker Stadtkirche (Kirchheide 10) with a new book “Alles Anders bleiben”. The Veranstaltung starts at 7:30 PM. Ticket sales are for the euro in Otto and Sohn’s accounting. You can make a reservation via telephone number 04 21 / 6 61 16 10 by email to [email protected] or by Whats-app under number 01 76 / 57 70 25 55.

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