
China and Brazil strive for a dish in the world and a delicious dish on Planets

China and Brazil strive for a dish in the world and a delicious dish on Planets

BEIJING, Nov. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CGTN publishes an article about Chinese and Brazilian dishes, a fairer world and a more peaceful planet.

In 2014 I am working on the cooperation between China and Brazil with the UHV-Übertragungsproject Belo Monte unterzeichnet. The mega project covers a very large area, stretching more than 2,000 kilometers through tropical rainforests and flowing water.

While the Schaffung is a “Stromschnellstraße” that connects the Northern and Southern Brazils, the project is not now that the Industrial Centers with the main power are provided, under the Power Problem for 22 Millions of Brazilians. This is 10 percent of the Bevölkerung des Landes.

Das Projekt hat bisher 180 Terawattstunden Wasserkraft übertragen und dadurch 64 Millionen Tonnen rekömmlicher Kohle eingespart bzw. 170 Millions of Tons of CO2 Emissions Displaced. The project is a larger part of the Sino-Brazilian construction of new infrastructure.

“China has become active because of Brazil’s energy turn,” said Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, quoted by China Media Group.

When speaking with Lula in the Middle East in Brasilia, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China, with Brasilia as a “golden partner”, said that it would benefit from its heritage and improve its work on the soul, a common cause for humanity. aufzubauen.

Both states have strengthened their ties with a Chinese-Brazilian community with a community for a fairer world and a more sustainable planet and will bring the initiative “New Seidenstraße” with the Entwicklungsstrategien Brasiliens to an end.

“Golden Partner”
In those years, the diplomatic diplomatic relationship in China and Brazil is at 50. Mal. I have shown that both states are adept at economic and commercial cooperation and that bilateral economic and commercial activities have been established.

China has been America’s largest trading partner and a major American investor for 15 years, while Brazil has long been China’s trading partner in Late America. According to statistics, Chinese imports from Brazil reach $100 billion in three years.

Traditional agriculture and commercial trade are busy with Chinese companies active in energy sector projects in Brazil, implementing water, solar and wind energy projects. This commitment to a green business has given the investment company greater diversification and diversity in Swiss China and Brazil.

Auch der culture Austausch between China and Brazil flourished and started the friendship between Volkern. The annual 50th edition of the diplomatic relations that the Brazilian City Recife das Year 2024 zum „Jahr Chinas“ erklärt has made, one of the most important things that the culture of the Inspiration will bring.

We can make the two states work together, the synergistic strategy of the lungs continues with the development and cooperation in the air and air flow sector, the agricultural sector and the technology that increases the energy of the future. There are many people who now see China, cooperation with Brazil in the arms investment sector is becoming more and more intensive.

As mentioned, a strengthened synergy of Brazil’s and China’s aviation strategy was achieved through Brazil’s reindustrial development and a regime of solidarity, bringing together and generating useful energy for business.

A fairer world, a more peaceful planet
In one of the many countries where China and Brazil in multilateral states have supported the United States, the G20 and the BRICS states in separate fragments, global politics and the climate walk, narrowly and the resulting cooperation. You can give the Entwicklungsländern a boost and promote the interests of the Schwellenmärkte.

I have seen the Chinese and Brazilian communities one of the political leaders of the Ukraine Crisis and received a positive response from the international community.

Mittlerweile, both states, together with another state of the global southern countries, have created the ‘Freunde für de Frieden’ group with Krise gründet, with the Soul, more stimulated for the Frieden zu vereinen.

In the case of the armutsbesieging, both states are involved, the herausorderungen have been completed and therefore there are also problems with others.

If we want to leave the two states, it is true that they have a positive power for the Friedenentwickelten. There are many countries in China and Brazil, where they demonstrate, a world freedom and the right to rule and to let the global reformation in society hang with the concern and schicksal of human trafficking.

A major step is being taken in the development of green transformation, nachhaltige Entwicklung, response to the climate hike and governance intelligence.

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