
Auftakt zur Weihnachtspendenaktion des WESTFALEN-BLATTES

We live in economical times. Who knows what the situation of the house in OWL is? Gibt and Zahlen?
Ralf Nolte: Only at SKM in Paderborn were 500 people affected by Obdachlosigkeit in their care. Darüber hinaus haben 3123 Personen die Übernachtungsstellen enjoy. Meiner Beobachtung nach hat theme Wohnungslosigkeit won by the economics of Lage grime and Bedeutung. For many people, their lives are always more vibrant. Aber: Armut often finds himself on the quiet, hidden Seite der Gesellschaft statt. Man always sees öfter Menschen in Schlafsäcken in Eingängen von Kaufhäusern lie. If you see that it is a bad thing, the life of the city will be destroyed by the city. These people are restless and start looking for something, and it just so happens that they are done. Man finds his place in the middle class.

Who sees the financial layer of the secret financial results?
Nolte: Erleben, dass de Trägern aufgrund von Mittelkürzungen das Wasser bis zum Hals steht. When it comes to Folge, it is a matter of listening to the Beispiel in the Schuldner and in the Zeker and Drogenberatung gibt. Do you want to know what the human being, the Hilfe and the Orientation are, what you don’t know, who is in the labor market or a citizen’s money that is sollen? If we are not honest about Hilfe, the problems will now become greater and the problem of Obdachlosigkeit will increase. The problem is urgent in OWL to issue information.

Would you like to contact the theme personally?
Nolte: On November 11, the Tag der Armut will become a Brezel and a busy sale. It is a matter of time, and man can paint more in his situation. If there is a woman from Morocco, the German language focuses on and is very enterprising, it is a trio of childhood studies at a distance of 20 Quadratmeter-Zimmer. You may be from Armut. If you see your engagements there is little chance, a larger home is appreciated. This is a small perspective that goes further. If you want to see the central fragmentation in space, it is a child’s play that can be done with debt and an education. When it comes down to it, if the integrated woman is no longer going to survive in society, she will not be eligible in the first place. If you want to make fun, who do you want to live your life and teach your children to be cool?

Dear Leserinnen, dear Leser,

Is it possible that groups of people are wondering what to do?
Nolte: There are more men than women. The Quote is 75 out of 25 Prozent. Since women don’t even have a problem, they can protect themselves from losing money in prostitution. People with a little difficulty have a problem, most people can’t have any problems. If you live in the Wohnraum verlassen sparrows, if you have a residence in your house. It is worth doing everything differently, the interest is not right. Once you have seen the Zahlen, the SKM Paderborn is lifted and part of the installation is carried out. It is a vermehrt Rentner, Alleinerziehende and sogar Studierende, the money is not from the end of the Monats ausreicht, a zum Beispiel Lebensmittel can be zu können. Concerned, the home losses, such as the family, friends or nachbarn Unterschlupf. Nur ist das kein Dauerzustand. If you want to experience a cheerful party and a living home, that’s great.

Was it a greater Gründe für Obdachlosigkeit?
Nolte: Gescheiterte Beziehungen, Arbeitsplatzverlust, Drying-, Alcohol-oder auch Spielsucht anyway physical Problems can be solved, that people are equally lost. The Entwicklung is a management organization, while the Schere is increasingly used in Germany. Der Teil der Menschen, die in prekären Milieus leben, wait.

So they could spend it.
So they could spend it. Photo:

How can the Corona pandemic be promoted?
Nolte: The social isolation is as light as beige, that people can no longer solve their problem and do other ventilating things. If people move on, there will be no tragedies in Umfeld.

When we talk about the poverty and the problems, the citizen money in the criticism is a fact, but it is an idea to cause a great damage. Who has passed the Zusammen?
Nolte: If people think that the social economy is over, there will be an unexpected change in the future. Most woolens are happy, but they find that they are not good enough in Australia or since they are very useful. The business situation is timid, it is not a judicial advantage, at the expense of the poor affected people, the inherent lying themes of repression and not politics of looseness.

The social work has been demonstrated in Düsseldorf as a source of care in the social area. Were Sie dabei?
Nolte: There were 32,000 people in Düsseldorf who undertook part of the Caritas in the Erzbistum. There is a war going on between the great demonstrations of 20 years. It is a German Zeichen, Man is no longer an Arbeitsfelder, but one of the Unterstützung der Menschen, the Hilfe Brauchen. It is finally one of the social services of the Gesellschaft.

Can you please answer this background carefully after the medium-term law?
Nolte: Politics will give more priority. Services, which were not financially viable, were then thrown away. We are looking forward to seeing it, but we are not great. Gold-plated debts have been prevented, while the follow-up costs for the Gesellschaft are increasing.

Who sees the financial situation in trouble at OWL aus?
Nolte: If all goes well, the Kommunen has become positive, it is a Beispiel of the Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer (SKM) in Paderborn or a Wärmestube des Caritasverbandes in Minden, and those financial matters. If you stop spending money, the Hilfebeddimmer will not continue any longer.

The Bahnhofsmission in Paderborn is a lighter Anlaufpunkt for many bed- and Hilfesuchende.
The Bahnhofsmission in Paderborn is a lighter Anlaufpunkt for many bed- and Hilfesuchende. Photo: Jörn Hannemann

Was the world empowered with the money, the charity of the government’s ordinary organizations?
Nolte: Nehmen with the Beispiel In Via, it is a project for the Bahnhofsmission project of the Armutsfonds that has developed. Davon was funded by two people who would come from the long term and now help in the essence sauce and all the work. The organizations involved in this project, one of the Angebites who have a right to their work.

If the Gelder, the unaffordable expenses, could become an eingestzt?
Nolte: Das Geld plays 1:1 in Ostwestfalen-Lippe, a Vereine, which is in the Obdachlosenhilfe-tätig since, zu unterstützen. In Via you can enjoy playing with warm Mahlzeiten, behind the whole Kette and hang out. Those living expenses are richer than ever before, so that living expenses are more enjoyable. We can call on the Fahrdienst for transport. The Lebensmittel Prize was established in this way. If you make your personal choice, this is the kitchen you need.

Sour person

Is this a different project?
Nolte: In Paderborn it is a medical education for health care that is experienced in life. It is a matter of a collaboration between SKM and Maltese, at 14 months, here is a short term. In the SKM-Gelände, also Dort, where the Obdach- and Wohnungslosen end, you will find the wöchentliche Sprechstunde statt. The Malteser has organized a common container, while the Sprechstunden were continued. The project has been underway for some time, but it is a natural price to pay when your personal lifestyle has increased. The container will likely be cleaned and installed. The Medizin products can be removed and issued. Bislang is the project in OWL, it can also be used in other city offices.

Is it a problem for you to spend the night?
Nolte: The company in Bielefeld lasts a year and is a beautiful project in the Hauptbahnhof. Es trägt den Namur Bahnhof Bethlehem. Dort finds a Gottesdienst and a Weihnachtsessenstatt. It is a matter of thinking about a person or a home or in a luminaire situation. It comes to more people. The Bahnhofshalle is then full of citizens and citizens.

Find us in the last years of time. Is it a good Schlafplätze in the region?
Nolte: Grundsätzlich fehlen Schlafplätze, wobei es unterschiedliche Modelle Gibt, wie Tiny Häuser or auch Schlafkammern. Die Schlafplätze in OWL reichen zumeist nicht aus. If you are the midwife tomorrow, you will be able to get pregnant tomorrow morning in Kälte and in Nasse. Der Bedarf is larger than the current Angebot.

Four of the people who became obdachlos, since Frauen. Who is the situation?
Nolte: Der Anteil der Frauen has been active over the years. And: If you have a bedroom, it is safe to protect. Best of all, you end up in prostitution, a money you get. The life on the road is not as heartfelt for him as it is for men.

I interview Caritas director Ralf Nolte.
I interview Caritas director Ralf Nolte. Photo: Oliver Schwabe

Is it possible to get the job done?
Nolte: Experience, man is so cheerful and happy with his job, we will think it is such a shame. If I have noticed other people’s problem, it is no longer the case that high professionalism no longer works with a click on the next and distance from the herausforderungen on the track. Please note that the Selbstfürsorge has not been lost…

Was Ihr Wunsch an unsere Weihnachtspendenaktion?
Nolte: If you find tolls, the WESTFALEN-BLATT is one of the undisputed Arbeitstützt. If you read the lessons and lessons, which play one of the activities with a certain edition – for example at a higher altitude. The messages about the plants in the OWL were made, the theme in the Mitte unit of the caves. We will eat our dinner, and we will buy more jointly at the same time. If I make a high expenditure, the Träger for Ort in OWL will do a few things and the Hilfe dort ankommt, which they are good at.