
Coalitions of CDU, BSW and SPD have been established

Coalitions of CDU, BSW and SPD have been established

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CDU, BSW and SPD work together in Thuringia and submit their coalition agreement. Watch Wagenknecht comment on the BSW investigation after the Ost-Wahlen.

Update from November 22, 4:37 PM: Thuringia’s CDU chief Mario Voigt concretes after the official Vorstellung des Koalitionsvertrags in Erfurt im Gespräch mit Ippen.Media a central question: „Our debts are a major burden, and we will take care of the Einstellung von Lehrkräften massively. It has been a long time since a child has had a fall, Lehrermangel and an unwanted opportunity. It’s a matter of doing it. With the ‘Unterricht statt Ausfall’ maßnahmenpaket you purchase modern debts and guarantee a relief from bankruptcy. The picture is the result of a successful outcome – for our children and for our country.”

The punkt “Bildung für die Zukunft – Unterricht garanteren” will be the first punkt generated in the coalition agreement of the old Brombeer-Koalition.

Brombeer-Koalition schärft beim der Friedenspolitik in de Koalitionsvertrag nach

Update from November 22, 2:33 PM: Afterwards are the Koalitionäre in Thuringia at Thema Frieden – on Druck from BSW-Parteigründerin Sahra Wagenknecht. In the Chapter of Europapolitik, people would probably have perceived the Stationierung von Mittelstrecken rockets “as a fundamental change in the strategic and military base in Europe and in Germany”. “Eine Stationierung und derren Wendung ohne deutsche Mitsprache sehen wir critic“, he is now in the paper that the leaders of the three parties in Erfurt produced.

In one of the few that Wochen trades, the Formulierung noch zurückhaltender. Dort heißt es: „We recognize that there are many people in Thuringia who critically see the planted Stationary of Mittelstrecken- und Hyperschallraketen bzw. be able to.”

Georg Maier, (l-r), Thuringian SPD Party and Minister of Internal Affairs, Mario Voigt, CDU-Fraktionschef von Thüringen, Katja Wolf, BSW-Fraktionchefin and Steffen Schütz, Co-Landesvorsitzender of the BSW, attended a press conference in the Landtag. Here follows the Vorstellung des Koalitionsvertrages of CDU, BSW and SPD in Thuringia.
Georg Maier, (l-r), Thuringian SPD Party and Minister of Internal Affairs, Mario Voigt, CDU-Fraktionschef von Thüringen, Katja Wolf, BSW-Fraktionchefin and Steffen Schütz, Co-Landesvorsitzender of the BSW, attended a press conference in the Landtag. Here follows the Vorstellung des Koalitionsvertrages of CDU, BSW and SPD in Thuringia. © Bodo Schackow/dpa

CDU, BSW and SPD propose coalition agreement in Thuringia – “Frieden” comes 28 Mal

Update from November 22, 2:24 PM: Thuringia CDU chief Mario Voigt spoke about the representation of the koalitionsvertrags of the first Brombeer-Koalition in Deutschland with a “guten Tag für Thüringen”. In most cases it is Voigt Zentrale Punkte des Erarbeiteten Koalitionsvertrags. Most asylum seekers will use their asylum seekers and stop trading their asylum seekers in the community. This is another way in which another country has abolished a landed estate.

The schools in Thuringia have been given “absolute priority”, which means more people will participate. If you are in the country, you can arrange a flexible health care arrangement. If you consider that the man has received stimulation as a director, it is “a problem of bed rest in the world that no longer functions properly.”

Brombeer-Koalition proposes Koalitionsvertrag vor – Wolf lobs “großen Wurf” at Friedenspolitik

BSW-Landschefin Katja Wolf speaks of a “New Start for Thuringia”, but it is not difficult to remove the coalition’s deceitful path. Wolf nannte zwei zentrale Säulen der Regierungsarbeit: Der Alltag der Menschen in Thurüringen müsse sich verbessern and das Vertrauen in de Politik müsse zurückwon zijn. Be sure to use the Streben nach Frieden. The fried statues are just one of the country’s debts that will continue into the future. This theme was discussed in the treatise “zu angespannten Nerven”, as Wolf did. Dennoch is a man who sits on the Ergebnis. The forms represent the stationing of the US American Mittelstrecken rockets in Thuringia, using Wolf as “großen Wurf”.

Georg Maier, President of Thuringia-SPD, spoke of major reforms for the Bundesland. Since it is so, it is worth sending a handle to the start. The Grundlage passes the Koalitions delay. The wort has been baked into the paper 28 times, while it is not in the only mold. The koalitions delay would be more than one of the Schwächeren in the Gesellschaft Drehen. Sees social justice as a “rotational fade” through the Treaty.

Brombeer-Koalition sett Koalitionsvertrag vor – Lob auch aus Sachsen-Anhalt

Update from November 22, 12:30 PM: “If there is a swinging Wahlergebnis, there is a coalition that brings Stabilität and the Lösungen to Thuringia. That was the country that was founded – clear inhalte and the will, herausforderungen andtschlossen anzupacken,” said Sven Schulze, Minister for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Landwirtschaft and Forests in Saxony-Anhalt, on Nachfrage von Ippen.Media.

The countries of the CDU Saxony-Anhalt demonstrate the narrow solidarity of the Nachbarländer: “For a nachbarn in Saxony-Anhalt it is clear: We are ready, Thuringia as a Partner zu unterstützen. Our states are no longer active and can enjoy themselves for a while. Gemeinsam können wir für Mitteldeutschland fell into motion.”

CDU, BSW and SPD present Koalitionsvertrag – Wagenknecht is jubilant

Update from November 22, 8:50 am: The Brandenburg Economic Minister Jörg Steinbach (SPD) is an ineligible candidate for the new Regierung, gab in an Erklärung of the Economic Ministeriums of the Green for the Rücktritt. There is a separation between the SPD and a saving with the BSW exclusion. If you are personally looking for a “little Grundlage for a long-term commitment” with the Wagenknecht Party. It seems that the autumn roads form “the part of the distant positions”.

First notification on November 22, 8:38 am: Erfurt – Snelle zwölf Wochen nach der Landtagswahl power in Thuringia the Brombeer-Koalition and the Arbeit. CDU, BSW and SPD present the Freitag (November 22, 2 p.m.) in Erfurt ihr Regierungsprogramm. Besonders friedenspolitische Forderungen wurden roads Wagenknechts Bündnis kontrovers discutiert.

“There is a good solution for the life of the Thuringian, which will be improved,” it becomes clear that the three partners are there. While the BSW Principal Sahra Wagenknecht deals with the processing of the cases, his part will be the first management position he gets. Kritik and Druck have holfen, “in the BSW manuscript we are of the opinion that we know machen.”

Wagenknecht is with Thuringia experience – flexible conditions in the country

Because there is a corona amnesty scheme, “those who have strong control over government protection, have knowledge of the pipeline as a technology and criticize the American chain plans, which the Wahlkampf verprochen haten”, but that is not the case. “Darüber was a stellt of the coalitions delay of the Weichen für better Bildung, the Abbaut of the Bürokratie, a restrictive migration policy and more ingenious things.”

The three parties in Thuringia are no longer suitable for the parties or the medium term. Different if the Sondierungen of Wagenknecht receive a positive signal to the Koalitionsvertrag für Thüringen. When finding woollen CDU, BSW and SPD at a consultation meeting, while they are informed about core points information and their positions for the creation of institutions or initiatives of other factions.

Another question from CDU chief Mario Voigt about the prime ministers will be asked before Mitte Dezember. Together with Gremien, the three parties must create one of the best directorial productions. They are in the Thuringian Landtag 44 of 88 Sit and müssen is a thought that gives impetus to the opposition. It was worth supporting the Brombeer Coalition party, the Linke or the AfD.

Wagenknecht-Triumph auf Thuringia described: The Stand in Saxony and Brandenburg

Weniger Erfolg has the BSW in the other Bundesländern, which became gewählt in September. In Saxony, representatives of the CDU and the SPD split with the BSW. In Brandenburg, the SPD Landesvorstand and Economic Minister for Brandenburg, Jörg Steinbach, are responsible for the Regierungsposten ab.

„In my Alter bietet die painted Situation keine Perspektive für eine weitere Amtszeit“, teilte der 68-Jährige mit. “And so fun for my new phase of life, and I am happy with other activities.” There is still no new image of management in the Amt.

The BSW is no longer in the Absage. BSW-Landesgeschäftsführer Stefan Roth said, wer one of the positions of the Foreign Ministers, should have an important augmark on the Sicherung of Arbeitsplätzen and the Erhalt der Produktionsstätten of Industriebetrieben in Landlegen. „Viele dieser Unternehmen sind abhängig von Energie Prijsen and lead to a Wirtschaftssanktionen. They brauchen die besondere Unterstützung des Landes.“ I hate Wagenknecht and his father in August after a Rückkehr at the Russian Erdöl for the Raffinerie in Schwedt festwaarden.(lismah/dpa/AFP)