
Dieter Bohlen: If it is a childhood friend, he knows it is “Nein”.

Dieter Bohlen: If it is a childhood friend, he knows it is “Nein”.

Think of Dieter Bohlen (70) in the role of “DSDS” chief jury member, so come one and two zunächst wie “schonungslos” or “knallhart” in the Sinn, but my family knows the Pop-Titan differently. If the TV is an offensive company, it is a private company of “loving, requested, tollest, more beautiful planets”, so that the music player itself has found “”. One problem that arises is being able to see your children – and that’s different because people often have difficulty with it.

Dieter Bohlen: “I do everything for my children”

“I can do everything for my children. I am proud of my school. I don’t have any, but I am still happy. I am happy with the others as well as a schlechter Vater”, explains Bohlen. “In schlauen Büchern immer, dass man mit seinen Kindern nicht befreundet sein soll. Man muss ihnen Grenzen aufzeigen. That is completely wichtig, damned a kind of self-trust gained.” If I do it differently. “I have a total answer to my children and an uncanny story behind them.”

The Pop-Titan is strong with children

Good luck while Bohlen now gets to work, if it is an image time: “That is the moment that absolute Währung. Wenn man denen sagt, that is the heute now a Bildschirmzeit got, laufen die wie auf Schienen,” says the 70-Jährige über See both young children Amelie (13) and Maximliaan (11).

The “DSDS” judge hat looks childish

Dieter Bohlen hat insgemt sechs Kinder. First Ehe with Erika Sauerland with the musical producers of Söhne Marc (39) and Marvin (36) as well as Tochter Marielin (34). Letztere power in the month 2023 goes to Großvater. Aus blessing Beziehung mit Estefania Heidemanns (45) hat Bohlen den Sohn Maurice (19). Child Number happily and separately, Tochter Amelie and Sohn Maximlian, of the family with Carina Walz (40).