
So sweet of the Start im neuen Museum

So sweet of the Start im neuen Museum

Gut 4300 People live in the new Ulmer Museum “Those Einsteins” said the Eröffnung Anfang Juli besucht. Dammit, the house is completely empty behind the self-supporting Erwartungen zurück. If the museum has an important function in city life and in the old town, it may be that that meinung has had most of the cultural culture, the first message that appeared from ‘those Einsteins’.

“The Einsteins” are important for their memory culture

The Museum is one of the most important things of the Erinnerungskultur, such as Ulrich Metzger (Grüne), who looks at the history of the houses, the family history of Einsteins in the context of the Vertreibung and the Holocaust erzählt and the heute lebenden Angehörigen der Familie with in the boat cavity. Auch Eva-Maria Glathe-Braun (SPD) said that one of its leaders was positive rat colleges and colleagues and could find the inhaltliche conclusion: ‘There is no question of an Albert Einstein study, but of an individual Schicksale. Genau davon brauchen met meer. If democracy is still woolly, more problems are likely to arise.”

Einzig de Besucherzahlen stießen vereinzelten Ratsmitgliedern sour auf. Man has received a higher response if he is in the community for the museum design of the Einsteins, like Ralf Milde (FDP). Konstruktive Rückmeldung kam von Samuel Rettig (Grüne Fraktion), dem aufgefallen war, dass das Museum in Sachen Online-Präsenz nor Verbesserungspotenzial hat. Ulrich Metzger has chosen a different approach: an object that does not capture the spirit of the times with its theme, stops approaching a very large matter.

You can also find more information about the Schulklasse’s Museum

The war between the museum and the old history of the history of history, which are sister for the Vermittlung and Children and Jugendliche, with the Museumsleiterin Sabine Presuhn erklärte. If the debt classes have no potential, the problem is solved.

Riesig is the interest in the new museum that is located near the family and friends of the Einstein family. Many people were angry and now had some problems in Ulm and the Nazis did not get any family funding. If you see the Museum, say it is “Die Einsteins”, then there are more documents, notes and books in your private archive.