
Further support for the Jugend Demokratieverständnis

Further support for the Jugend Demokratieverständnis

Jonas Scherer, the stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Bezirksjugendrings Oberpfalz, meinte in seiner Laudatio, the Soul of the community projects is war, the interest of Jugendlichen and Politik in the Vorfeld der Europawahl for the land and for the democracy that is being established. “At a time when the impulses of young people are often repeated, the U18 competition has become a true platform, part of my life and a life,” said Scherer. This Wahl is the youthful light, active in the political themes and deceptions she recognizes. “It is an allegen, that young people with the herausforderungen and the opportunities of the European Police become civilized and their postcards of whatever fragmentary forms.”

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