
With the Rostocker Karneval Club in Nordlicht

With the Rostocker Karneval Club in Nordlicht

The RKC age for Karneval and children’s fasching ein!

The “Feier mit uns Karneval” Veranstaltung will take place on January 18, 2025 in Nordlicht statt, End: 7 PM, Start: 8 PM.

The Rostocker Karneval Club presents a Bunte Mischiung with its Tanzprogram, a Kinderbütt, Spa and Klamauk. Auch das Männerballett is not fehlen! Das Prinzenpaar des RKC, Prinz Andreas I. and Prinz André II. were a diesem Abend dort sein.

DJ Rendy provides good music, damn Jung and Alt die Tanzfläche erobern! The guests are welcome to their guests. The best Costume ideas win all the prizes!

Damit die Kleinsten auf Ihre Kosten kommen, veranstaltet der RKC at 19. Januar from 13 Uhr to 16 Uhr in Nordlicht seinen first Kinderfasching! Partly from the little Tänzer and the RKClown.

If you are a guest at Karneval in the north of the country or if you are a family member, you are requested to use the card under 0381/20357979, in Noordlicht en der

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