
Laura Maria Rypa at “Let’s Dance”: Pietro is officially in charge

Laura Maria Rypa at “Let’s Dance”: Pietro is officially in charge

Pietro Lombardi and “Let’s Dance”it is a non-wool story or Happy End. Schon 2017, also for fast eight years, the singer’s hatte for the RTL-Show über das Parkett wirbeln sollen, must seine Teilnahme aber weg een Verletzung absagen und ersatzkandidat und Kumpel Giovanni Zarrella übergeben. Seither verspricht Pietro seinen Fans und Follower:innen regular, eines Tages at “Let’s Dance” mitzumachen.

After more prayers, Pietro Lombardi went into hiding, so we know, the community is in concrete terms Delivery date so no. “Versprochen, met 35 years mache ich mit. Solange look like a Fan zu“, erklärte is damals on Instagram. The ‘Cinderella’ interpretation on June 9, the Staffeln der Tanzshow aber in der Regel im Mai end, würde sein Einsatz as ‘Let’s Dance’ candidate during the year 2028 fallen and on Staffel 21. Glauben in this way, a man of Being Pietro, who isn’t, denn We didn’t manage to reach the end, but it became a new life. If all goes well, the show has been removed in the Skandal-Prominenten arrangement.

Pietro Lombardi found a new adventure for his own “Let’s Dance” Teilnahme

By Pietro Lombardi, the rolled canal has become one of the Verlobte Laura who is now treated by the disease, but she herself is divorced. Welche Entscheidung RTL dies bezüglich meet wird, ist wohl nor offen, denn wie Pietro in an active Fragerunde on Instagram, it is one of the messages about the sendersom zu erfahren, in 2025 we will sit in the DSDS jury.

If you surrender yourself to a great interest, you can get the best out of yourself, the “Let’s Dance” with its arrival, which for 2025 is now a bit – who is found – more like würdigen years ago: seine Verlobte Laura Maria Rypa!

Laura Maria Rypa plays a Pietros Stelle as a “Let’s Dance” candidate

Laura Maria Rypa and Pietro Lombardi
Pietro stopped Laura from being the more eigner “Let’s Dance” candidate. Photo: IMAGO / Panama Photos

On the Frage “Do you want to be at ‘Let’s Dance’?” replied on November 21, 2024 with the following statement: “Super format, bigger fan. If it is glaube, so schnell (nachdem ich 3-4 Mal absgesagt habe) ask si nicht more an. Aber bin Fan and love ‘Let’s Dance’ as Zuschauer.” Via Verlinkung there was then a Mutter zweier seiner Kinder ins Rennen: “Aber Laura Maria Rypa was great. Hüfte moves, can be. Aber wie een Weltmeister.”

Pietro Lombardi: Jetzt schwärmt is von dies prominent Blondine Fernsehen

Pietro Lombardi: Jetzt schwärmt is von dies prominent Blondine

For Pietro Lombardi (32), the sad moment happened… Read more »

If there is a sex story on Laura’s Hüftbewegungen, nor a schlimm, it is its own teilnahme then a nor a few years later a hint: “2030 is my time, so tanzen”, the behavior is diesmaal.

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Laura Maria Rypa won 2025 as a Candidate for “Let’s Dance” dabei?

In the background of Pietros Zählweise der „Let’s Dance“-Anfragen tu sich einige Fragezeichen auf. While it is now a dream to go home, it is one of Instagram, RTL has so often asked a question: “Ich glaube, ich hatte schon sieben Anfragen von Let’s Dance”, so during the Sunday 2023.

Once it does, it will be a problem to get started. Thats Laura Maria Rypa tatsächlich of the “Let’s Dance” Candidates 2025 if it is good, it is plausible.