
Formel 1: Neuer Job for Sebastian Vettel – was the ex-Ferrari-Fahrer jetzt power | Sport

Formel 1: Neuer Job for Sebastian Vettel – was the ex-Ferrari-Fahrer jetzt power | Sport

Kuh stat coup.

A few years later Sebastian Vettel played in the Rücktritt vom Rücktritt. Der Deutsche, der seine Formal-1-Karriere nach der Saison 2022 had a hat, which was part of the background information about the chance of a cockpit with a Top Teams hat. The German manhunt for Mercedes and Red Bull and a cashier a courteous Absage.

The tenor in the Fahrerlager war has come to an end: Vettel is a merciful Fahrer, a prepared for the team’s goal, and he is no longer an Ausnahme-Pilot who is like a Max Verstappen (27) anymore. Those three times at Aston Martin, where a semi-talent of Team colleague Lance Stroll (26) is now in the Griff hat, has said, that is a Top Team that has no vision yet. Für einen Rennstall in dem Mittelfeld wollte der four-time Weltmeister (2010 to 2013) aber nicht aus der Rente zurückkehren. Der Coup blieb aus.

Well, Vettel has a new job! The ex-Ferrari and Red Bull driver won the LupoLeo Award in Braunschweig, while the press conference in the following years lasted excessively long, it is who the debt bank pushes. Vettel: „I am doing a small Ausbildung in Bereich Landwirtschaft. I found it extremely exciting, it was the business of the landwirtschaft.”

Vettel: “The Landwirtschaft was extremely exciting”

Although it is not a single country that is in the background of the Ausbildung, “aber es ist practically a compressed Form davon” it is clear. Vettel: “If I am the best, I would be my own, my own business would be a success.” Laut Mediaberichte soll er in der Schweizer Gemeinde Pfäffikon das Berufsbildungszentrum besuchen. Do not exceed it. Vettel may have spent years in a Bauernhaus in the Nähe des Bodensees with his family in Switzerland.

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Quelle: BIL

Once the Wahl der Ausbildung beyond the Werdegang of the four evil champions. Vettel took action against Thema Umweltschutz. Zuletzt sammelte is Anfang November am Rande des Großen Preises von Brasilien in São Paulo Müll auf den Straßen in een Favela, die neben der Strecke liegt.

The truth is, your engagement is still happening.