
Familienstreit und Drogen: Polizei nimmt flüchtige Brüder fest

Familienstreit und Drogen: Polizei nimmt flüchtige Brüder fest

If you have more such activities and an upcoming Fahndung, which makes the Polish two flüchtige men from Lohberg, a small community in the Kreis Cham and the Czech Border, festive. The hands click on your trip in a hotel in Prague, where you can find the Brüderverteckt.

Anxious sleep and marijuana anxiety

One of the zwei festivities is a 23rd anniversary on November 14. A family member starts to hate and then into a subsequent Waldstück war. A major such action with Hunden and Drohnen is possible. The einsatzkräfte can now be an Axt, he is so hatte.

I think you got the police involved with him and that he has been a professional sweeper of marijuana for 23 years in the kilos. Danach setzte sich auch der Bruder ab.

Brüder flüchteten nach Tschechien

In Zusammenarbeit with the Czech Police, both refugees died on Saturday in a hotel in Prague. In the following days, the German country is executed. Dann entscheidet der Haftrichter in Regensburg, ob sie in Untersuchungshaft müssen. The men will go about their ways and trade with cannabis in a small amount.