
Reviews: Philippi said three Gewinners with health benefits from us

Reviews: Philippi said three Gewinners with health benefits from us

An action plan for heat prevention, a project is a young person for a Ausbildung in the offer of animation and a digital new birth-versorgung as the winner of the Niedersächsische Gesundheitspreises. Mit der Auszeichnung in three categories, which will be paid with your 5,000 euros, were completed at the Montag in Hannover zum 14. The Leuchtturmprojekte gewürdigt.

«First we focus on climate and health in these years. While the German Health Minister Andreas Philippi (SPD) has praised the Pressemitteilung, it is true that the reign of the Erderwärmung and the Klimawandel has probably become a bad herausforderung. These innovative approaches to the attraction of health care as well as the potential for artistic intelligence, robotics and telemedicine played a weighty role in an hour.

Konkrete Gesundheitsprojekte sind Preisträger

In the category «Aktiv für Gesundheit en Klima», «Hot’n’HaPy – Aktionsplan zur Heatprävention» is set by. In the project development projects of the Hamelin-Pyrmont health region, the information campaign for the people of the district is characterized by the establishment of a targeted development of general and social prosperity, a spirited passage for the heat periods that occur.

Auch zum Thema “Gesundheitsberufe attraktiv gestalten” receives a prize in the health region of Hameln-Pyrmont. If «Care HaPy» is a challenge, young people can rely on care or another child in health care. Dazu works in collaboration with the debts in Hummetal and the seniors service in the rural district, one of the first generations for students and students in the poor research phase.

In the category «Digital Health» the idea of ​​«TeleStorch» is available. The Klinikum Oldenburg has started in the cooperation with the Ammerland-Klinik Westerstede and the St. Johannes Hospital in the Weser-Ems region. Mittels der Einführung von Telemedizin ber ein einemliche Betreuung in de nouvelle Birth-Versorgung ermöglicht, hieß es in der Begründung. A suspension of the standard of the geburtsklinik can be the Betreuung of the Newborn on a telemedicine platform with sicherer video and vital data information of Fachkräften unterstützt.

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