
MVP of the Baller League from Düren resistance to Kleinfeld-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in den Oman

MVP of the Baller League from Düren resistance to Kleinfeld-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in den Oman

With the introduction, Mustapha Chahrour started his great football career. The Deutsche Bahn has waged war, but the offensive power of the national sports friends during the Zwischenziel in Frankfurt deutlich später erreichte. When you get straight to the point, the service continues with the kite in the direction of the Vorderasien, where the Freitag de Kleinfeld-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft passes over the Bühne.

The 21-year war of the Bundestrainer for the 15-man Kader of the German Nationalmannschaft nomination, who will have the title at the WM in Oman after 2018. “Die Vorfreude is risig”, said Chahrour, who had never been able to abschätze, was in the commenden days auf ihn zukommen wird. “Nerves within my body are not very good, but I do not realize this.”

A lasse in my Mannschaft in the Stich, other representatives in Germany at a WM. When the sports friends are no longer around, the youth are a bit afraid of me.

Mustafa Chahrour

Sports friend Düren

It is the Bundestrainer Malte Froehlich who starts working with his hat, while lying on his hand. Denn Chahrour has played a sharper rendering in the Rampenlicht on the Kleinfeld. At the end of the month of October, the Baller-League-Saison is transferred to the technical version of the activity on the line and the “Baller of the Season” is referred to, also as the best player of the Indoor-Kleinfeld-Fußballliga, published (thread posts).

Nun will make waves in Oman and will have a good time with Christoph Kramer, ex-Bundesliga professional of Borussia Mönchengladbach and 2014er-Weltmeister on the big field, in the Pokal in Holen, Germany. “A good man has become who has taken Chris Kramer into his stride. There is little, who wins a WM,” said Chahrour about his new team colleagues, when there was an Abschlusstrainingslager at the end of October in the Hennef gym, nor an acquaintance who dares to know it. “Chris is an überragender type, he is very sympathetic.”

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I kommenden Freitag (19 Uhr) starts the German Mannschaft, which quickly comes out of the Baller- and Icon-League-Spielern series, in Turnier. Der Auftaktgegner in de Vorrundengruppe B heißt dann Bulgarien. Es follows the Vergleiche mit Georgien (1. Dezember), Libya (3. Dezember) and Serbia (4. Dezember). Juweils die both of the eight Vorrundengruppen that qualify for the second Achtelfinal, which is on 6. This month stattfinden were.

While the English game plan becomes a party, the fun for the sports friends in those years is no longer as great as Einsatz. The participants of the competition at Viktoria Glesch-Paffendorf are finishing the race against Raspo Brand (8. Dezember) with the best Torjäger of the sports friend (such as Treffer) who are definitely passing.

Keine Steine ​​​​laid in the Road

For the time being, the game with a grocery competition at the camp has a place in the Landesliga-Staffelzwei, while coach Marcel Demircan wonders: “Our Weihnachtsfeier has started working on a theme together. Let your capitalization and it is a good idea. In the situation, in the event that we find out, it may be that we can say, ‘Happy here, what you can do.’ Other trainers might be better off taking the gun to their chest and saying: “If you fly, you won’t brauchst more wiederzukommen.” Because if we move an amateur, we want Steine ​​​​to be in the way.

Steht ebenfalls im Kader der Deutschen Nationalmannschaft: Ex-Bundesligaprofi and 2014-Weltmeister Christoph Kramer, der berooflichen Gründen first with Verspätung in the Oman travel world. Photo: DKFV

Schon in de vergangen both Begnungen, beim 3:1 in Teveren anyway 4:0 gegen Lich-Steinstraß, hatte Demircan seinen ballgewandten Spielgestalter teils freely ersetzt. In the Heidestadion where Chahrour was only in the middle of the first half of the year, the Aufsteiger on Lich was an ascending gelbs barrier not in Kader. “The Jungs said that that is not possible. It’s one of the many things playing a different game, but we’ll have more fun and get dribbled more. If he sees it, Musti can achieve his completeness,” explains Demircan, as a trainer at the Baller League in the Einsatz War. “I cannot give a self-study about the format that stehen and the young people are, if they resemble Sachen Mitzumachen. Der Unterschied ist nur, dass Ich me normaler dabei nicht verletzen kann.”

Entdeckt hatte Demircan den in Jülich aufgewachsenen Chahrour ausgerechnet bei a Freizeitkick auf dem Kleinfeld. “The war only started 17 years ago, but you wrote down the price, what stabilizes your Körper ist. If you’re banging, then it’s the hardest thing to run a Mauer. Man kan nur schwer vom Ball runn“, zählt der 35-year-old Coach de Vorzüge des ehemaligen Jugendspielers von Rasensport Tetz, from FC Niederau, SV Eilendorf and 1. FC Düren auf.

The Kleinfeld-WM discovery since 2018 jährlich statt

Die Kleinfeld-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaftder sogenannte Socca World Cup, took place in those years in its first month. From November 29 to December 7, 40 teams in eight Vorrundengruppen compete in Oman for the Einzug in the Achtelfinal. Kasakhstan wins title in Running. I won the 2023 WM Final in Essen, which Kasachen in Ukraine won with 2:1. The WM in small field football has been of the International Socca Federation (ISF) since 2018 jährlich ausgerichtet (with Unterbrechung 2020 and 2021 due to the Corona pandemic). The German Mannschaft has a preference for the premiere of the title. The Spiele der Deutschen Kleinfeld-Nationalmannschaft can show man per Stream live:

“If the problem is now, the leader on the Kleinfeld is deutlich better as on the normal Platz”, ergänzt Demircan, who hangs up in diesem on the many Dribblings required. “If it is a stretch point, while it is strange that you do not go further, then the ball is gone and the other new games are left out of the game. It is my opinion about the Grund, war is a regional match of 1. FC Düren is not schafft. If the potential possibilities are there, there must be a way out. Deshalb thought the mir fell, although I was white, there was chance.”

Chahrour widely does not believe that the criticism of trainers and kumpels has been brought to the attention: “Auf dem Kleinfeld dribbles man stop two players and ist directly for the Tor. On the large field the man fell from the area, um in the Sechzehner zu kommen. There is no end to the problem anymore.”

If the students in Oman sit near Kleinfeld-WM, the students will show their studies and nachhaltig on their noticeable machen, a way that is so possible, but nor the trauma of a professional easement of their money. „Einerseits lasse ich myine Mannschaft im Stich, elseits repräsentiere ich Deutschland at een WM. If the sports friends are no longer at ease with me, the Jungs will be a little at ease with me.” Sollte has a great football career with the world title crown, then it would be a special Auszeichnung for his club. “We want to make a profit and have a Stück weit davon. For our Verein is the WM-Teilnahme von Musti schon Werbung,” said Demircan.

Die Partien der Landesliga in the Überblick: Rott – Breinig, Kurdistan Düren – Helpenstein, Glesch-Paffendorf – Sportfreunde Düren, Lich-Steinstraß – Erftstadt-Lechenich (all So., 2.30 pm), Zülpich – SV Eilendorf, Arnoldsweiler – Erkelenz, Raspo Brand – Verlautenheide (all So., 3 p.m. ), 1. FC Düren II-Teveren (Sun., 3:30 PM)

These games can be found at WM for Deutschland in Einsatz

The WM Framework of German Mannschaft: Lukas Betz (Bonner SC), Kim Sippel (SG Bad Wildungen/Friedrichstein) – Marvin Fricke (FT Braunschweig), Jacob Göker (FC Hürth), Thomas Haas (vereinslos), Tobias Haitz (TSV Solingen), Dario Bezerra (FC Hürth) , Mustapha Chahrour (Sportsfriend Düren), Benedikt Chandra (SC Göttingen), Christoph Kramer (vereinslos), Hischem Metidji (SV Elmshorn), Tim Sulmer (vereinslos), Ilias Anan (Türkspor Dortmund), Hendrik Hebbeker (FC Unterstrass), Dominic Reinold (vereinslos)