
Positive indications for the team, the organization

Positive indications for the team, the organization

There was a positive reaction and that brought and how you got through the positive directions, for this team, the organization (signal) – this is a small cancellation.

Was this Resonanz?

Sorry, it has become more complicated: I first, more intensively with the Resonanz-Konzept auseinotherzusetzen, es wird here felleben, which itself damit fell better auskennen. My (jetzigen) Verstandnis is for the Jenaer Soziologist Hartmut Rosa Resonanz – and niece etwa Slow Food, Slow Sex, Slow irgendwas – a possible Antwort on one of the permanent beschleunde Welt, which will be in one of the most exciting cases of stehen drhen . One of the things that may be the case is that it is a good idea (the best is my German counterpart who does not make a comparison…), we will not even reach your material, social and psychological problems.

Resonance and support for Rosa then, as ‘Entitäten der Beziehung in einem schwingungsfähigen Medium (oder Resonanzraum) wechselseitig so berühren, that as aufeinander responded, as well as with own Stimme speaking, also as ›zurück-tönend’ concepts were können” (Rosa 2016, p. 28). In many cases this is the case: Weder nur senden nor nur empfangen, sondern in an Art Tanz or der Wechselspiel zwischen sprechend and hörend, gebend and nehmend, nach vorne and zurück im Kontakt with others en damit der Welt sein.

Think of the Führung, but a ganzhilfreicher Ansatz sein, order?

Was it positive Resonanz?

I dared to go to the big work, there were some emotions in Barbara Fredrickson live, inzwischen one of the icons of positive psychology, at a large artistic conference in Graz (Danke dafür, lieber Philip Streit and liebes Team from AKJF – Akademie Child, Youth and Family!).

Fredrickson spichten and started more positively – or genauer gesagt von “Positivitäts-Resonanz” (positivity resonance), when “zwischenmenschliche inheritanceen develop, die durch momentanen Anstieg in

  • gleichzeitige fouthrenem positiven Affect
  • Persons übergreifender Synchronizität in anteilnehmenden, non-verbal Signals
  • personsübergreifender Synchronizität biologicaler Marker

known since, and the damit die wechselseitigen Beziehungen stärken (“Chemistry”), the social Verbundenheit fördern, gegenseitiges Commitment, Loyalität and Vertrauen kräftigen (own oversetzung), after Fredrickson (2016) and Brown & Fredrickson (2021). Positive responses are a good response, which recognizes the best possible sales and communication science and has its own unattractive signature. Positive responses from getting to know people and enjoying their culture can do all the important things, in a partnership, a debt class, a team training, a business organization in a business.

Wozu positive Resonanz fördern?

Positive emotions can present themselves as an empfundene, instantaneous, verkörperte, authentic and context-oriented psychophysical approach, or one of the most commonly used: Farben der Gestimmtheit (ua Gruber 2011, Fredrickson 1998).

Fredrickson has taken care of all the positive emotions he or she has, no matter how he or she lives. Negative (as a tendency of another empfundene) Emotions that, Ekel, Neid or Scham have during the evolution of the evolution – they help us identify as Warnanzeiger for every day, Bedürfnisse and Gefahren zu, that is a quasi acidic solution. It is possible to keep the positive emotions out of the mind if you are in an expansion, learning and waiting mode, which makes long-lasting resources strong, resilience in volatile situations and strong times, a longer lifespan and better trading. (ua Fredrickson & Branigan 2005, Fredrickson 2013).

I am a PERMA-Lead-Modell from Dr. Markus Ebner (2024), with the positive leadership style, the mess bar, the culture of the world, which has positive emotions on the market.
Learning and applying positive leadership – darum geht’s in my last workshop

De Forschung deutet darauf hi, dass Verbundenheit in Form of positive Resonance of an Art “Superinhaltsstoff” ist, with better mental health, little Depression, little Einsamkeitserleben, higher Resilienz, stabileren Ehen, aber auch few körperlichen Krankheitssymptoms in Verbindung steht (ua Major et al. 2018, Prinzing et al. 2022). “Positive reactions are a general statement that ends up in the gym or making a healthy effort,” says Fredrickson in Graz from the Ergebnissen in the Forschung.

Durch positive prompts for more resonance

Nobody brings a plane to the country, the work ship is empty – the pilots can now buy the beds, the schwerkraft in the runway is possible. And so it’s a positive response.

As a business person and as a human being, it can be one of the things that can produce a positive reaction for me and in my case – and almost justify the internal blows. It is very important – Fredrickson has acquired a great knowledge – and with eightsamkeits techniques with the metta meditation (my variant is a little time on my blog and in my podcast).

Good luck with others and for others – Family, Team member, in the Organization – Positive for:

  • through a completely conscious brand awareness when listening, to the dauernde theme, the eraser, the ratschläge and other forms of “Low Quality Listening” reproduction (this is more here);
  • through the best experiences with my social portfolios, indem with the “swachen connections”, the “weak ties” start (davon handles one of my keynotes and dares to start in my newsletter);
  • And indem I am conscious in all dem unmut, the Umbrüchen, der Ungewissheit den Blick auf das Positive directed, for me and for others. I am positive about prompting.

❤️ Dazu has an Arbeitsblatt (weiter-)entwickelt – Thank you for that great artistic dazu, dear Ingrid Teufel! –, if you want, this can be a herunterzuload. When you do that, the positive emotions are impressed by your culture – for myself, in a team with the team, in the organization.

❓Was this brought into positive resonance?


Brown, C.L., and Fredrickson, B.L. (2021). Characteristics and consequences of co-experienced positive affect: Understanding the origins of social skills, social bonds, and caring, healthy communities. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 39, 58-63.

Ebner, M. (2024). Positive leadership in practice: tools, techniques and best-practice beispiele. With a foreword by Tayyab Rashid. Faculties.

Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 300-319.

Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56(3), 218.

Fredrickson, B. L. (2013). Positive emotions become bigger and bigger. In Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 47, pp. 1-53). Academic Press.

Fredrickson, B. L. (2016). Love: Positivity Resonance as a fresh, evidence-based perspective on an age-old topic. Handbook of Emotions, 4, 847-858.

Fredrickson, B. L., and Branigan, C. (2005). Positive emotions broaden the scope of the attention and thought-action repertoire. Cognition and Emotion, 19(3), 313-332.

Gruber, J. (2011). Can feeling too good be bad? Positive emotion persistence (PEP) in bipolar disorder. Current Directions in the Psychological Sciences, 20(4), 217-221.

Major, B. C., Le Nguyen, K. D., Lundberg, KB, and Fredrickson, B. L. (2018). Well-being correlates of perceived positivity resonance: Evidence from trait and episode ratings. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(12), 1631-1647.

Prinzing, M. M., Zhou, J., West, T. N., Le Nguyen, K. D., Wells, J. L., and Fredrickson, B. L. (2022). Staying ‘in sync’ with others during COVID-19: Perceived positivity resonance mediates cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between trait resilience and mental health. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(3), 440-455.

Rosa, H. (2016). Response: Eine Soziologie der Weltbeziehung. Suhrkamp Verlag.

Tugade, M. M., Fredrickson, B. L., and Feldman Barrett, L. (2004). Psychological resilience and positive emotional granularity: Exploring the benefits of positive emotions for coping and health. Journal of Personality, 72(6), 1161-1190.