
Angela Merkel has taken the final steps in this matter as a matter of principle – from the right perspective

Angela Merkel has taken the final steps in this matter as a matter of principle – from the right perspective

Angela Merkel

Altkanzlerin lehnte Samstags-Einladungen categorical ab – aus gutem Grund

Angela Merkel lost track of time in her passionate revue. I am an interview with Komikerin Hazel Brugger verrät that Altbundeskanzlerin jetzt new private details.

“Freiheit” is not the book title of Angela Merkel (70), but in her time of life. When you see the former Bundeskanzlerin 2021 in an unlaid hat in 2021, the hat is as good as its contents sucked. This new housing development had the best chance to confirm his autobiography in the 1970s. Angela Merkel’s hat is new. In the conversation with Komikerin Hazel Brugger (30), the frühere CDU-Spitzenpolitikerin nicht nur über ihr Buch, spoke among the enthusiasm, that it is regularly ended – and that is the good Grund.

Angela Merkel stops with a Tag in the Term Calendar free

Is there luxury, German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her Ruhestand-schätzt? Zeit. Davon hated his political career. If your war is hard, it will no longer be so. So say Angela Merkel, who gives Olaf Scholz (66) a critical assessment, while a Tag in de Woche, is one of the most popular Term calendars.

Angela Merkel

I am working on the autobiography “Freiheit” with Hazel Brugger, with an exciting private broadcast with the ex-Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. YouTube/kiepenheuerwitsch

“I would love to have a great time,” so Angela Merkel, who is gilded as a Fashion Ikone on TikTok. If you see the Veranstaltungen, the Bundeskanzlerin in Normalfall is not visible. “I have learned that my son will be able to enjoy myself. I have had many sons to live in the house,” explains the 70 years. If we also separate some other, Angela Merkel would have done the veranstaltungs-einladung in Samstagabend.

Angela Merkel

In her autobiography “Freiheit”, Angela Merkel looks back on her path to Leben – and reveals the most recent details. ImagoImages

Kochen and Lesen: Angela Merkel war, never about her muses again

“I would have made a bad impression on that Rhythmus. I would have had a lesson. Was in the Kopf kriegen. Damit man nicht immer nur spricht, spricht, spricht”, führt Angela Merkel fort.

If you, as a Federal Chancellor, have started accepting such documents, then this time is no longer necessary for your soul. Kochen sei für sie Entspannung gewesen. Auf Hazel Brugers Nachfrage, if I have Kochkunst denn auch geschmeckt habe, wolllte de Buchautorin sich nicht genau festlegen. “Das is such a Geschmacksfrage. Meinem Mann hat es geschmeckt”, so die 70-Jährige. Angela Merkel’s Mann has found a special date.

Was the power that ex-Kanzlerin actually possessed?

Angela Merkel: Was the power the ex-Kanzlerin eigentlich heute?