
Will South Korea settle for North Korea’s Waffen?

Will South Korea settle for North Korea’s Waffen?

When North Korea became involved in Ukraine-Krieg, South Korea stopped waffenlieferungen noch zurück. Das will die Ukraine jetztändern. But it is a big obstacle.

Bisher ist Südkorea remain standing: The Regierung will never refuse, the Waffen and the Ukraine will be nice. If you make a paint stop in North Korea, Truppen in Russia, you can no longer do this. Now that Ukraine has gained new impetus, South Korea has become a new Kurs.

The reports of the “South China Morning Post” and the broadcast of “DongA Ilbo” appeared that week in a Ukrainian delegation under Leitung von Verteidigungsminister Rustem Umjerow in South Korea. Das Ziel: South Korea on a new journey.

The Dortige Regierung will not do the Treffen the best. The Gruppe has committed its offenses with the South Korean National Security Officer Shin Won-sik and will be a Mittwoch a Wunschliste-vorlegen, the Flugabwehr rockets and Artilleriegeschütze umfasst.

This is not the first time that Ukrainian Regierung has taken place. In the meantime, Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj told the South Korean sender KBS: “It is a Sache, the Ukrainian financial, humanitarian or medical aid, and another, with Waffen zu Helfen.” There is a chance that North Korea will mislead Ukrainian citizens through the Entsendung Seiner Truppen in Kämpfe. It is a battle with artillery, air force systems and other heavier Ausrüstung.

Bisher hat Südkorea in Ukraine is no longer able, nurdings nur mit militärischer Ausrüstung wie Gasmasken or Feldrationen. South Korea has produced a large Arsenal and Waffen production during the Korean crisis in the 1950s and is one of the prosperous Waffen production products.

Since the Ausbruch des Ukraine-Krieges were the Rüstungsgüter and in Poland, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Rumänien gefragt. So Poland in the border area with the Russian Enklave Kaliningrad has South Korean K2-Panzer stationed. Read more here. In the years 2018 and 2022, Waffen exports increased more than 70 percent of the time from 2013 to 2017. South Korea is the largest Waffen export nation in the world.

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Andrzej Duda: The Polnian State President nimmt the new Panzer and Haubitzen from South Korea in Empfang. (Quelle: image-images-bilder)

For Ukraine, the Flugabwehr System KM-SAM, from the Panzer K2 Black Panther of the four-generation generation, would have the Panzerhaubitz K9 Thunder in the Boden-Boden-Raketen.

South Korea’s South Korean army receives a volunteer Waffen hat, which the American troops impose on a 155-mm artillery artillery hat, which became a Kiev favorite. “The European government is surprised that South Korea from Ukraine has taken more artillery measures when all European countries are together with Drittländer,” said Ramon Pacheco Pardo, Korea expert at King’s College London, of “Financial Times”.

Laut President Yoon Suk-yeol has called South Korea this Waffen-tatsächlich and the Ukraine sweet. There is a good chance that South Korea will move into the Frage. If there is any clarity, Seoul can see Waffenlieferungen in Erwägung, zunächst mit Verteidigungsgütern. You won the military battle in Russia and North Korea by a man who loves Waffen much more. There is concrete, but the North Korean truppeneinsatz is “nicht niet bleiben”.

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Yoon Suk-yeol: The South Korean president has changed the Waffenlieferungen. (Quelle: IMAGO/Photo Olimpik)

The Sorge in South Korea is a major attack, the North Korean government as the company of the Trumps of Russia has access to fast missile technology or nuclear weapons. South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Yong-hyun has taken into account that he has “a higher Wahrscheinlichkeit” for the Austausch.

President Yoon and other high-ranking politicians are considering the interests of the grief for South Korean Security. In the meantime, Nordic Korean soldiers would have won full camps.

Stimmung in the country is a hindrance

The most important thing is that the Hindernisse is a good choice for the South Korean Waffenlieferungen. The biggest change is the broader position of the opposition, which exerts national control.