
Kritik von Clavadetscher und Co.

Kritik von Clavadetscher und Co.

Clavadetscher und Co. kritisieren Weidel-Auftritt – was Victorinox damit zu tun hat

Schweizer Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftstellerinnen ere a Auftritt van de AfD-chief und anlass in Zürich. Victorinox is a partner of the Veranstalters.

An Auftritt by AFD chief Alice Weidel (right) in Zurich was critically assessed by the Brunner Schriftsteller Martina Clavadetscher and his Guild. Victorinox is a partner of organizers of Weidels Auftritt.

An Auftritt by AFD chief Alice Weidel (right) in Zurich was critically assessed by the Brunner Schriftsteller Martina Clavadetscher and his Guild. Victorinox is a partner of organizers of Weidels Auftritt.

Image: Keystone

Since 2019, the Ibächler Messerschmiede Victorinox is a Partner of the Zürcher Wirtschaftsklubs with the Klingenden Namen Efficiency Club. Der Klub führt für seine der regulmässig Anlässe durch, die zur Netzung und zum Dialog zwischen Wirtschaft, Politik und Kultur serve sollen. Dessen Anlass «Let’s talk – Wirtschaft in Dialog» in the Zürcher Kongresshaus vom 9. November is now the beginning of Schweizer Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftstellern unter Beschuss Geaten. The background is the Auftritt of the German Politikerin and Chef of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), Alice Weidel, and the Veranstaltung.

«The AfD is one of the German government protection for the right-wing extremist party, the people-despising idea of ​​”Remigration” and the representatives of the right-wing terrorist neo-Nazis, write a renowned Schweizer Autorinnen and Autoren in a single offenen Kort.

Look at Michael Krummenacher at the Unterzeichnenden

The Efficiency Club has the name of the Vernetzung and Wirtschaftsförderung that have become a harmlosing Bühne boats by the AfD, it is a violation of the Korte Schriftstellerinnen and Schriftstellers en Kunstschaffenden that go further. Among the Unterzeichnenden is the Brunner Autorin Martina Clavadetscher, who has won the Schweizer Buchpreis in 2021, who has found the Schwyzer Filmemacher Michael Krummenacher (‘Landesverräter’) and the Ausserschwyzer Autorin Judith Keller. The names of Pedro Lenz (‘Der Goalie bin ig’), Katja Alves (‘Globi’, ‘Der Muffin-Club’) or Franz Hohler (‘Ds Totemügerli’) are listed in the Unterzeichnenden.

With the message ‘Wochenzeitung’, like Alice Weidel, the Wohnsitz in Einsiedeln hat and in the German Bundestag are the political rights of the Rand, for the ‘geisterte Applause’ of the presenters Menge. The report of the insulting short reviews, which is a solution that has appeared as a trend in Switzerland, is “an oligarchy in the economic establishment, which will increasingly exercise its dominant political power”. Ähnlich who dies non in America kurz nach Trumps Wahlsieg geschehe. “A fascist ideology would tolerate strategically so that the Wirtschaftsspitzen can make a profit.”

Victorinox is not involved in anlasse inhalation

The written writers and artists provide brief information to the official partners of the efficiency clubs, so that they can make it clear that they are positioning. Your partner works with Swiss, Raiffeisen Schweiz and Victorinox. When Claudia Mader, who joined Victorinox, was briefly informed about the next business strategy, he said: “His partner from the efficiency clubs is no longer involved in the organization and organization of business activities.”

Grundsätzlich is politically neutral. “We can distinguish between extreme or hard positions and fulfilling our positions with people, groups and organizations, who are themselves, in our Welt Brücken zu bauen and Gräben zu schliessen,” so Mader. Werte wie gegenseitiger Respekt, Vertrauen, Wertschätzung and Toleranz were würden in Zentrum des unternehmerischen Denkens und Handelsstehen.

In solving the ‘Wochenzeitung’, the Swiss, like Victorinox, is not involved in the program form, in addition to the Zusammenarbeit, the new knowledge and knowledge in the KMU soul group. Another Raiffeisen Schweiz focuses on a long term and the political elections that generally influence the functioning of a given democracy.