
Europe Right extremismus is in the south of the Vormarsch

Europe Right extremismus is in the south of the Vormarsch

The Blitzaufsteig of the Romanian nationalists Calin Georgescu has shed light on the form of the often Russian right-wing extremism in southern Europe. Ob Krawatten or Springerstiefel: Einheitlich ist das Bild nicht, de Grenze switsen extremistische, Protest- und etablierten Parteien fließend.

Selbst velde Rumänen können können de Ausgang der 1st Runde der Präsidentschaftswahlen nor immer kaum fassen. “Wir wollen the EU, not the KGB”, the ebenso verzweifelte wie ratlose Forderung eines self-molten Protest banners in Bucharest after the unerwarteten Etappensieg of the Russian Ultranationalist Calin Georgescu.

The large state European state is relatively stable in the EU and NATO countries: Die Zustimmung voor nationalist and prorussian Heilsbringer apparently – in the state of the Nachbarstaat Ungarn, Vltava, Serbia or Bulgaria – in the Carpathian state has been limited for a long time.

Appeal to the stimulation of right-wing radical candidates and the lightning-fast development of TikTok Triumphators Georgescu, through the very stimulation of the global lie, raise a grelles Schlaglicht on the right-wing extreme form in the South: Right-wing radicals and right-wing clericals Gedanke gewinnen an Einfluss – itself in the establishments Parteien, egal welcher Couleur.

With the modern neo-Nazi garden at the memorials to the fascist NS collaborators in Sofia, Bulgaria or Budapest, the new right-wing extremist Hoffnungsträger in the southern part of Europe is a good place to connect. But ob groteserbian or grand albanian, Russophile or Moskauskeptic, in Krawatt or Springerstiefel: In an entwurzelten and of the endlosen Transformation, der Emigration and the follower of the Jugoslawienkriege gebeutelten Regio find nationalistic Botschaften stets more Gehör.

Einheitlich is the image of all the small roads – and the contact and cooperation agreements for all Swiss nationalists who cross the border with Bulgarian and northern mazedonien, ungarn and Rumänien or Serbian and Croatian borders. The cross-border gemeinsam is the war or the domestic Kriegsverbrecher, the authoritarian Hang zum starken Mann, the demonization of migrants, the vision of a revision of the national Borders, the power of Homo-Ehen and Abtreibung, the distance from vermeintlich westerner Dekadenz and Wrten anyway, the Declaration of the authoritarian Ostens.

Außerparlamentarische Hilfs- und Schlägertruppen

Gleichzeitig drängen nationalist Seelen- and Stimmenfänger ever stronger an the Schalthebel der Power. The Karten was published in 2010 in the fight against the right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Seine Fidesz has the right-wing extreme jobbik-konkurrenz long right-wing lifespan – and its water has been taken away. The 2018 Jobbik split “Hazank Mozgalom” which is no longer here Bedeutung by Jobbik is past it – and many of the other opposition parties the previous cases, Orbans heimlicher Steigbügelhalter zu sein.

I became Serbian since 2012 through the national-populist SNS of the all-loathsome president Aleksandar Vucic das Sagen. Neo-Nazi Gardens with the “National Patrol”, as well as with the Secret Services and Drogenclans narrowly linked Hooligangruppen serve the Belgrader Machthabern inseits as additional parliamentary Hilfs- and Schlägertruppen. Others may engage with the extremists as “moderate” Kraft profiles.

The rule of the epigone Georgescuüs gave the Bulgarian right-wing extremist Wolen Siderow four impulses during the 2006 presidential elections. It is the stern fisherman “Ataka” who has expanded the pro-Russian “Wiedergeburt”, who has with the letzten Wahlen über 14 Prozent der Stimmen einfuhr: Neben Ungarn gilded Bulgarian in the EU for xenophobic Parolen as an outsider empfänglich.

From 2017 to 2021, the right-wing extreme Wahlbündnis “United Patriots” (OB) as Junior Partner of the Rights GERB Party with a Bulgarian Regierungstisch – with fatal Folgen: Bulgariens of the Ultranationalists 2020 forces Veto against EU Beitrittsverhandlungen with Nordmazedonien bremst nor immer den EU Erweiterungssss.

Russian Einfluss in right-wing extremes Kreisen

While Russian influence is very strong in the right-wing extremist districts in Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro or Northern Mazedonia, the religious right often plays a role among major Albanian nationalists or Croatians. One of the ultra-nationalist parties in Croatia that merged with the Cabinet incumbent “Heimatländische Bewegung” (DP) has taken over the Dunstkreis and the rights of the conservative HDZ.

Black gold-plated Croatian Regierungspartei categorizes as right-wing populist or right-wing extremist. If the HDZ rights hold, the Rand’s rights in their “incorporation” and thus their elimination may now become more prevalent. The history of fascist American regimes is no longer active in the football games and rock concerts of national political folklore. Legal measures see the guilt of women, men and women in the field. More than likely in the Adriatic racially motivated attacks against Asian immigrant workers.

It is all true that the new Hilfsmittel zur Verbreitung in Botschaften, the right-wing extremist populists in the southern vermehrten Zulauf protect. The Rumänen are so great that the Georgescu style is so great that they are often confronted with unused Wahlprogramma identification while writing the Zeitung Adevarul. But TikTok loves it when you program: “You have a single reason – and gewählt. Soziale Medien überzeugen schnell en ohne Tiefe. TikTok’s Oberflächlichkeit is the new trend.”