
Terror planted against Deutsche: Islamist in Mainz verhaftet

Terror planted against Deutsche: Islamist in Mainz verhaftet

MAINZ. The service is aimed at the Kriminal inspection of Mainz, a young Islamist, who can commit terrorist attacks in Germany, is a celebration. The Zugriff follows a Grundlage of a Haftbefehls des Amtsgerichts Koblenz, the Suspect of the Vorbereitung one of the Staatgefährdenden Gewalttat zum Gegenstand hatte. A JF problem at the Staatsanwaltschaft after the state reorganization or the status of the Verdächtige will be the weed wort.

The Islamist has found an internet platform in which the ‘Krieger Allahs’ have become radical. Ermittler turns to the über Messenger Service and social network propaganda of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) that is spreading. It has emerged that the terrorist organization’s violence has spread and Dschi has taken an uncontrolled action.

Vorbereitung eines Anschlags mit fell Opfern

Bereits im October durchsuchten Beamte die Wohnung des Verdächtigen. If you see the Bayonette that four destroyed Rohre, that after bisherigen Ermittlungen zur Restellung von Rohrbomben bestimmt gewesen sein sollen. If you are guilty of internet details, you can have the recovery of the Sprengstoff and the Zündvorrichtungen beschafft. See these mutmaslichen Vorbereitungen sei an Anschlag with a higher Zahl potentialller opfer gewesen.

Nevertheless, the defense remains open to the public, as the General State Government in Koblenz is at the mercy of the authorities and the enforcement orders are passed. Both have no intention of going through the Polizei. The new Durchsuchung förderte zätzliche Materials are, the construction of a zündmechanismus geeignet signal could be. Der Verdächtige Wurde Festgenommen; there is something in Untersuchungshaft. It is gilded with the Unguild Vermutung.

Under the message of the Verfassungsschutz, that for all Weihnachtsmärkte weiterhin as main Soul of radical Islamist gilts. Minister of Foreign Affairs Nancy Faeser (SPD) is in charge of Wachsamkeit. “An abstract overview of the best deception is all Grund, as a result of our security zu trade,” explains Faeser. Sie fügte hinzu: “Wir all our friends at the Christmas market and their beautiful celebrations in the Advent season.” (rr)