
M4 Mac mini in efficiency test: High performance in all tagsgebrauch | News

M4 Mac mini in efficiency test: High performance in all tagsgebrauch | News

There is a new incarnate Mac mini with M4 SoC that can perform the comparison with various benchmarks in an unanswered manner. Qualifizierte Aussagen zum Stromverbrauch in Alltagsgebrauch blieben jedoch bisher Mangelware. A test by Golem editor Martin Böckmann now tested Apple’s Desktop Quad on Windows PCs. Statt Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit vergleicht is alldings den Energieverbrauch. Sein Fazit: With a Mac mini M4 the entire burden on the German energy company is gone.

Zum Vergleich zog Böckmann see more PC configurations: A freshly improved Intel Core Ultra 9 provides a one-year upgrade to AMD Ryzen 7900X. If you are making a new start with activating jewels, you can use an example of a useful story: Two 4K monitors are installed, Excel launch, obendrein Musik-Streaming. Ebenfalls is active in the Mail and Messaging program. Zwar doubled this active performance of the Mac mini (from 7 to 13 Watts), but still remained at a third of the fresh Windows computers with Intel processor (36 Watts). The Ryzen investigator has launched a diverse background process, with a capacity of 123 watts and the installed Windows 11 installation in practice.

Energy management in Vergleich

Configuration Leerlauf (W) Praxisszenario (W)
Apple Mac mini M4 7 13
Intel Core Ultra i9 36 51
AMD Ryzen 7900X 58 123

(Quelle: Golem)

There is a power saving
The second version of the Mac mini M4 was installed for the discussion. Messungen des Stromverbrauchs says, it is so big that the problem is so big: I see a Mac mini that is not even 1.1 Watt. Der Vergleichs-PC says that there is a power of 1.9 Watts – in the off position. If you use the standby function of the tester, it cannot use a Power-Delivery controller: USB-C can now use Apple’s Desktop up to 15 Watts at 5 Volts.

Grafikleistung deutlich höher
Novice players, who originally play on macOS with Windows, will look at the Windows configuration: World of Warcraft Classic with graphics settings at a speed of 85 fps, going to Windows 251 fps faster. Power consumption may exceed: 73 Watts on Mac mini standards 381 Watts on Windows PCs.