
More than overweight: Adiposity in Luxembourg nimmt bij Jugendlichen zu

More than overweight: Adiposity in Luxembourg nimmt bij Jugendlichen zu

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More like overweightAdiposity in Luxembourg never bei Jugendlichen zu

LUXEMBOURG – Most of the addiction was released on April 21, 2022. Bildung und sozioökonomischer Status beeinflussen de Zugang zu gesunder Ernährung.

Karsten Neukirchen

Karsten Neukirchen

One study examined body fat percentage in young adults ranging from 14 percent to 21 percent.

One study examined body fat percentage in young adults ranging from 14 percent to 21 percent.


In Großherzogtum leading is more Jugendliche an Adipositas (Fettleibigkeit). Dies berifft Jugendliche im Alter between eleven and 18 years. The results of 14 years in the year 2006 and 21 years in the year 2022 will be reviewed in the European HBSC Study (Health Behavior in School-aged Children). Photos and status play a major role here.

“Adiposity disease is a serious problem that is caused by several life-threatening factors, including physical activity, stress and psychosomatic stress,” explains Dr. Kofahl, Leiter des Buros für Agrarpolitik und Ernährungskultur (Apek) gegenüber The essence. These factories do not seem to have much to offer: Jugendliche aus sozioökonomisch Schwächeren Familien en mit niedrigerem Bildungsgrad hätten oft eeniger Zugang zu gesunden Lebensmitteln and Freizeitmöglichkeiten, de Bewegung fördern. Selbst bij erwachsenen mache sich der Bildungsgrad bemerkbar: Während 28.1 Prozent der Menschen with lower Bildung an Adipositas lead, lieser Dieser Anteil bei höher Gebildeten laut uner Umfrage des «European Health Interview Survey» completely at 9.9 Prozent.

«It is an essential and essential culture to buy, in the sex and health Hand in Hand gehen»

Dr. Daniel Kofahl

The treatment of adiposity in youth is by Dr. Kofahl called a gratwanderung: “The problem that will arise and be addressed will lead to the fall, the consequences of stigmatization.” Some stigmatization of the self-consciousness of young people with disabilities and other essential issues with anorexia or bulimia. Schulden und Bildungseinrichtungen are here one of the following Verantwortung, an Umfeld to buy, that is not the case with the Schuldzuweisung-setzt, the following Aufklärung and Unterstützung-bietet.

Dr. Kofahl said that Genuss and Gesundheit are linked: “It is an essential and essential culture to buy, in der Genuss und Gesundheit Hand in Hand.” Debts can go here, reimburse their financing and exercise programs in education, integrate and thus lead a positive life.

Pläne, Adiposity as a chronic insanity analysis, finds sich laut Martine Deprez (CSV), who has a parlamentary attack of pirate reactions, in the discussion. These people can write for the first time, receive good care and little stigmatization of their gewährleisten.

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