
Do you want to see everything for the little orangutan?

Do you want to see everything for the little orangutan?

Wareham (Great Britain) – Orang-Utan-Baby Kiwi has a fresh start Start in life. If my mother no longer knows Muttertier, that is not the case. Is it still a chance for a bad Fellball?

Orangutan-Mädchen Kiwi were born from their mother's mouth.

Orangutan-Mädchen Kiwi were born from their mother’s mouth. © Editing: Instagram/MonkeyWorld

Kiwi comb dies December in a Spanish Zoo zur Welt. But it was done quickly: The Affen-Mutter never dies in my child. If you neglect the Fütterung, you neglect the Newborn. While others like the orangutans, they are not the Neuankömmling-kümmern. For Kiwis there was plenty of space in Affengehege.

Zum Glück is the Volunteers of “Monkey World”, an Affen-Auffangstation in England. Before the children’s war was still a platz-frei in the weitläufigen-anlage in the graveschaft Dorset, in the 250 primaten-leben, the people fell out of the Qualhaltung-gerettet-wurden.

But the tieric Umzug of Spain in England laid down the requirements for such a small herausorderungen. Fly on the run from the Affenkind in Betracht, where you pay the most attention.

If that lost hangover is a fact, Tierheim will no longer hold the world in check!
If that lost hangover is a fact, Tierheim will no longer hold the world in check!

Schließlich fand man eine loss, messages die voluntarily. The Reederei P&O Ferries likes to work together with the Transport that is sponsored.

If war is like this, Kiwi – or the Society in its Artgenossen – must be sucked into the Bottle from the Human Hand.

Vergangene Woche, the best Monate später, is the little Fellball who has struck a new Zuhause, reports the BBC.

With two Pflegern in Schlepptau, the Affenbaby went to Frans Calais and Bord der Fähre P&O Liberté. Photos, whoever Kiwi wants Apfelstücke nascht, während is a sich auf a Sitz in the first Class as power. After the 90 minute war, the milk canal war began.

A little light is a mixture for the little ones. The others have activated the Neuzugang, messages from the Volunteers of Monkey World. Orangutan Dame Oshine, who was rescued in 2010 with the Klauen-skrupelloser Tierhändler, loves being her “child”. With my art companions, Sibu, the current Monate is young, the man sees Kiwi at Toben and Spielen.

Orangutans have a livelihood. Nach Angaben von WWF lebten 2008 noch 120.000 Tiere in freier Wildbahn. In the year 2025 it will be 50,000 years ago.