
Ostschweizer Fachhochschule eröffnet Institut für Smart Farming

Ostschweizer Fachhochschule eröffnet Institut für Smart Farming

The Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST) hat in Tänikon in Canton Thurgau is a new standard for angewandte Forschung and der Landwirtschaft der Zukunft eröffnet. In the new Institutes for Intelligent Systems and Smart Agriculture (ISF) we find the gems of Canton that contain the eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt Agroscope.

De Fachhochschule baute das Institut in de letzten Monaten in Auftrag des Kantons Thurgau auf. The ISF, among others, started initiating Swiss Future Farm, a demonstration of Smart Farming technology, through Thurgau.

Forschung and Entwicklung are ISF inheritance consequences in the successful Landwirtschaftsbetrieb of Swiss Future Farm. Institutsleiter Dejan Šeatović has joined the Eröffnung on the Wettbewerbsdruck, the Landwirtschaftsbetriebe is being expanded. A Wissenstransfer from the Grundlagenforschung is carried out in practice over the longer term if it is central. The ISF as part of the system technology of the OST was involved in the collaboration with Agroscope and the Swiss Future Farm and thus became an optimal partner in all interests of the Farm-to-Food-Kette, i.e. of the institutes.

The new institute was created with the themes of life organization, economics and resources, this is one of the other sides of the cantons of Thurgau in May. Zum Start seien am Institut in Tänikon fünf Arbeitsplätze angesiedel. Weitere three of the teaching staff of the college sollen später hinzukommen. The Canton of Thurgau has established a Leistungsvereinbarung in the Rahmen with the OST for the Grundfinanzierung of Forschungseinrichtung sicher.