
Gelungener Startschuss in Grünberg

Gelungener Startschuss in Grünberg

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Gelungener Startschuss in Grünberg
Reviews for the Flemish Fahrerinnen and Fahrer des Stadtradelns: Bürgermeister Marcel Schlosser, Eric Epp and Kirsten Jung (Tourismusbüro Grünberg), Susanne Tröller (Firma Bender), Marcel Jochim (Theo-Koch-Schule), Beate Simon-Fritz, Oliver Schwenzer (Die Hobbyradler) and Jan Simak (Stadtverwaltung Grünberg) (from left). Photo: Loser © Loser

Grünberg celebrates »Sommer am Turm« for four days. Zum Auftakt became the new »City Trader« extension.

Greenberg (hjl). Vier Tage mitreißenden Kultur- und Musikabenden nahmen am Donnerstag in Grünberg ihren Auftakt. The Veranstaltung »Sommer am Turm« consists of a Sonntag program for Jung and Alt under the Diebsturm. It is possible to warm up the use of Mittanzen, Mitmachen, Feiern or Chillen. Once you have loaded the Stadtstrand with Cocktails, you can eat Wein im Zauberwald or a kühles Bier in Sternenzelt – and everything that is free from Eintritt.

At the Opening Ceremony, Mayor Marcel Schlosser thanked the administrative organization team, the Helfern and Sponsors, the Mitarbeitern vom Bau- en Servicehof as well as Kirsten Jung and Eric Epp vom city tourism office. Susanne Tröller speaks as a representative of the organizational teams at the theme stations, the leben and the Wirken of Theodor-Koch-Grünberg, the berühmtests of the city, said. For children and young people it is about stealing a speedboat.

For the Sparkasse Grünberg mountaineers Andreas Klunz and Carsten Steege vom stand a Zuwendung of 5000 Euro and Bürgermeister Schlosser.

Den Auftakt fights Tim Frühling. The Moderator and Wettermann of the Hessische Rundfunk read their new Krimi »Der Kommissar in Wanderschuhen«. Frühling says that the Kulisse is a Diebsturm-rundruckt und verzückte sein Publikum, al die Stühle tendens mit witzige Einlagen een die Handlung.

I started with the Gruppen »AXXL« and »Synkope« from the audience with punk rock. With the song »F… dich ins Knie« is the result of »Synkope« as well as sunken mahnende Worte in Richtung Wahlen.

The highest time consists of 10 hours of Open-Air Yoga. From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., children can develop creative ideas during a snack. From 13 o’clock the FSG Grünberg/Lehnheim/Stangenrod zu Fußballturnieren auf dem Stadtstrand. Jewelry is a show for children, for families (2 to 3 p.m.) or erwachsene (4 to 5 p.m.) before. From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., the Montagsmaler will hold a molding workshop at Weickartshain. At 2.15 pm a marching lesson begins with Anja Zimmer, at 15 pm the Aufführung des Ritters Rost anschließt. At 4, 5 and 7 pm the opportunity is given to get to know the life of Grünberg explorer Theo Koch during a walking act. From 8 pm you can play the alternative rocker »Tune Circus«. It starts at 9:30 pm with the »Bazurto All Stars «.

Death started an elf with the traditional jazz frühschoppen with the »Hot Jazz Swingers«. At 3 p.m. Martin Pfeiffer sings Kinderlieder and from 5 to 6 p.m. he sings the 1. Rock’n’Roll-Club Gießen and a Schnupper workshop for Boogie-Woogie and. I am an Anschluss die preisverleihung des Theo-Koch-Rätsels. The Abschluss machine from “The Boosters” with Rock’n’Roll from the 50s and 60s from 6 to 8 p.m.

They have tons of CO2 273 two days ago when the city trades for the city of Greenland. 18 teams absolved 2793 Fahrten and traveled 61080 kilometers.

Bürgermeister Schlosser zeichnete die fleißigsten Grünberger Stadtradler mit Medaillen und Urkunden aus. As a Sieger der Kategorie Team with the most accumulated kilometers covered by the Bender company with 14,348 km. The large team (highest Zahl and active Radlern) photographed the Theo-Koch-Schule with 73 Teilnehmenden. The Hobbyradler was the best Team (Kilometer pro Kopf) with 1168 kilometers completed. In the Einzelwertung siegte Ingo Deubner (Team Bender, 2024 kilometers). I followed Jan Simak (Team Stadtverwaltung, 1323 km) and on Platz drei Oliver Schwenzer (Team Die Hobbyradler, 1202 km).

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