
letzte Tage ‘für die Füße’ Von dpa-AFX

letzte Tage ‘für die Füße’ Von dpa-AFX

HOLZMINDEN (dpa-AFX) – Foreign Minister Robert Habeck criticized the Bundeshaushalt in the debate. “Zum Haushalt kan nur sagen, dass Millionen Deutsche tomorrow aufstehen and ihre Beit machen and zu Recht das Gleiche von der Regierung erwarten”, says the Green politician at a hearing of the Warm Pumps-Repairers Stiebel Eltron in Lower Saxony Holzminden.

“The work is not done without any problems, everything is not functional, and that is the way the work is done,” Habeck said. “Insofern man wahrscheinlich sagen, dass die letzten Tage wirklich für die Füße were.” Things can only get better. “The roads were with the Haushalt.”

Debate again high-bought

In the war that the Second World War is going through in the Bundeshaushalt for the coming years, the coalition partner will proceed to heavy wars. The background is that the financial flows in an establishment have reduced an amount of eight million euros. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has come up with good ways and economic ideas to do nice things. These best ideas in parts, said but also ways, at least a part of the masses umzusetzen.

Possibly still in that week Lindner, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Vice Chancellor Habeck want to have made an ending and describe it in the Cabinet. If there is a fragment, while this is not the case, it will no longer be Habeck.

If you put Lindners on the solar energy storage at a later date, says Habeck, a switch is made. “But the promotion of renewable energy and is being enforced. The debate is being held and continued.