
Coasts and beaches are stern – that’s what makes it better

Coasts and beaches are stern – that’s what makes it better

Dusty forecast

Spaniens Küsten und Strände sterben

Current on 13.08.2024 – 08:31 UhrReading time: 5 min.

Spanish beaches are slurpingEnlargement of the imagesBadegäste lie in one of the fallen Buchten am Strand. (Quelle: Emilio Rappold/dpa/dpa-bilder)

Vielerorts auf der Welt schwinden Strände, also in Spain. Erste Küstenorte meets important Maßnahmen.

Josep Tränen in Augen, looking from the Promenade on the Beach in Platja d’Aro. “As a child has played here and bathed, the Beach war damals doubles as knit”, erzählt der 48 Jahre alte Lehrer and Biker. The Zeitung “La Vanguardia” wrote kürzlich, that the heute in Schnitt gut 50 Meter breite Platja Gran, der “large Strand”, in the 1980s the dream became so breit gewesen sei.

The pleasures are no longer separate, the amount of money is not – but in one way or another, since I am a believer in bathing on the Costa Brava in Catalonia, it is all very simple: The beach is always “smaller, smaller and even smaller”, who are the long-term guests. Aldo ausdrückt .

Bebauung bis zum Strand als Ursache

Das passert nicht nur in Platja d’Aro. The Phänomen des “Strandsterbens” is also something else to be observed. Experts see a Ursache there, that the coasts will be used directly to the beach. Schützende Dunen is often no longer available. One of the natural habitats of the world of the beach wanders along the country side – it is not possible, but it is now more used.

“Of course, the beaches can be easily adapted to the climate hike, so they can be better and more comfortable,” said Francesca Ribas from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. If the beach is on the roads of most concrete, there is no change anymore.

Spanish beaches are slurpingEnlargement of the images
The beach promenades are a big problem. (Source: Emilio Rappold/dpa/dpa-bilder)

If you walk on the promenade, there is a big problem, there is an expert in kitchen dynamics. The passage of the Strände became a fact, the risks of exceeding at storms were very high. Also floodplains and streams in coastal areas as well as the construction of sports harbours and other infrastructure in coastal areas exacerbated the erosion.

Auch others in Küstengegenden, etwa in Kalifornien und in Florida, in der Türkei, in Brasilien und een der Goldküste in Australien schwindet der Strand. One factor is the climatic hike. You will find in one of the Fachzeitschrifts “Nature Climate Change” proposed study that you can find out about the climate change and the information about the weather conditions that could be used to “half the weight of the sandy beaches at the end of the year.”

The City of Barcelona is estimated to have lost 30,000 cubic meters of sand in years. This is proof of the combined file components. Ribas is the best way to be informed, even if you are a beachgoer without any problems: “I was very happy for a few years, because I have no problems with erosion had hatten, a great Rückbildung brand.”

There is a question of erasing problems, which solves the problems with the verdeutlichen. Ribas is an international study, lived in Zeitraum 1984 to 2015 approximately 25 Prozent der Strände weltweit von more chronic Erosion were affected. It is a basis of Treasure Hunts and Satellite Images.

The Cartographic and Geological Institute of the Catalonians (ICGC) is located in the region sogar 65 Prozent aller fassten Strände (319 von insgesamt 489) zwischen 1956 und 2019 geschrumpft seien.

Das Stranddrama unweit von Barcelona

“Einer der merkswertests Fälle ist Montgat, dessen Strand 90 Prozent seines Sandes los hat”, he is from the Environmental Protection Organization Greenpeace. All in July 2023, the combined waves of the beaches went to 25,000 or 6,400 quadratmeters. In the war that is low after a bigger sturm, the Ortschaft after Barcelona is so bad that the summer is abolished. “Wir hatten nicht eeninmal mehr Platz, um einen Rettungsschwimmer-Stuhl hinzustellen”, says that for the Umwelt sister Stadtträtin Tania González der Zeitung “El Periode”.

In the Zwischenzeit it is a light snack. Der Strand, nor for the years that run 50 meters and the years that last almost a year, are almost all verschwunden war, is most effective when a beef zwei Meter becomes thinner. For Bürgermeister Andreu Absil there is no pride: “We have all our beach lodgings.” Auch Yaiza Castro, who will return here in 2023, is not ready to celebrate. “If you buy a living room on the beach, it won’t last a year,” is what it sounds like in “El Periódico”. “The Strand is gone, the Meeresblick ist zum Glück noch da.”