
Buschmann will take charge of Schutz von Praxen with KBV

Buschmann will take charge of Schutz von Praxen with KBV

Berlin. Ärzte beobachten immer mehr Gewalt in Arztpraxen. “Insgesamt ist eine Verrohung im Umgang mit die zischem Personal zu verzeichnen”, he is of the Federal Chamber. The head chef of the Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung (KBV), Andreas Gassen, spoke in the “Nieuwe Osnabrücker Zeitung” of verbal and physical abuse: “Offene Aggression and an extremely forward narrative have deutliche Zugenommen”. The raue-situation tragedy “zweifellos” zum Fachkräftemangel in de Praxen bij, kommentierte der Verband der niiedergelassenen Ärztinnen and Ärzte. Who is the expectation of the Lage?

Bundesweite Zahlen zu der Problematik is nicht, this is a dpa attack from the Bundesärztekammer. Zuletzt hatte de Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe (ÄKWL) in Mai eine Umfrage unter ihren Mitgliedern zu dern Erfahrungen with Gewalt in ärztlichen Alltag veröffentlicht. Innerhalb nur weniger Tage reports sich demnach 4.513 Ärztinnen und Ärzte – rund zehn Prozent der Kammermitglieder – zurück.

Gases: Manche Patients machen Radau

More than half (2,917) of the comments on the question: “Have you been in the past in your life?” answered with “Yes.” 1,339 events were reported alone in Arztpraxen. The president of ÄKWL, Hans-Albert Gehle, spoke about a spürbaren and dauerhaften Zunahme von Gewaltereignissen and more massive Taxation of the Affected.

“If patients cannot get any help and have a tight assessment of their own treatment needs, it is a national overreaching phenomenon. It was like this that all this was so high: it is a disease, and it can be a good thing to start with the practice or the bill and the machine radar. It is a strange and extremely unpleasant thing”, Gassen said about the “Nieuwe Osnabrücker Zeitung”. Gassen seeks German punishments: “It is necessary in such cases to have German and fast punishments. Otherwise the blunder does not occur to a person.”

Buschman’s Plan considers Praxen bisher nicht ein

Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) will propose a lighter provision of criminal law to other law enforcement authorities for Anfeindungen and Gewalt Schützen. That – nor never beschlossene – There must be a must for the Arztpraxen ausgeweitet, for the Kassenärzte-Chef.

“There are only situations in which the situation is in practice and such a legal position has been reached, which is handled personally by Herrn Gassen,” commented Buschmann in the interview with the “Nieuwe Osnabrücker Zeitung”. New Ärzte and their Mitarbeiter are unseen for the social rule of law. “Self-confident minority citizens do not have to worry about everything: We are in a single administrative practice, because people are concerned, policy, they are affected by the legal consequences of the law, they are in good hands,” says Buschmann.

Lauterbach: “It’s so hard to become a more massive Arztmangel”

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has posted a message on the platform for a sharp assessment of the walt or waltandrohungen that have helped the affairs and the interests of people out of the world. “Our danger is so like a completely massive doctor’s deficiency, practices can not be reassigned”, it writes. The Minister of Justice is a Law for Penalty Restriction. (dpa)