
Wie zu fell TV die Nachtruhe beeinträchtigt – Nachrichten AG

Wie zu fell TV die Nachtruhe beeinträchtigt – Nachrichten AG

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Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen exzessiven Fernsehkonsums

The TV has a festive place for many people on every day. If you investigate the way the company expresses itself, it is not the case that the general prosperity can be compensated by a high-quality night stream.

Make sure you see the screen and the nighttime Harndrang

A new study, in the data of more than 13,200 analyses, has a significant meaning of the image of the image and the high quality of the Nykturie, the mediating fachbegriff for the nightly Wasserlassen, during the party. If you spend more time to solve the problems, this is a problem that has occurred.

Ursachen and background of Nykturia

The hours for the unchanged use of the food are often failed. Researchers at Junwei Wang of the Department of Urology at the Wenling Hospital in Zhejiang, China, paint possible mechanisms. An irregular rhythm of the waiting rhythm that continues for a long time during the night can burden the external load. If you eat a high snack in between, the amount of food is so high that the nights are postponed.

Additional risk factors

These studies are also important, which means a lighter physical activity during long periods of time during the business life. It may happen that night falls on the Harndrang Jetty. Neben diesen Factors können auch Krankheiten wie Diabetes, Prostatabeschwerden or Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen zu a Zunahme von Nykturie führen. People with diabetes have high levels of blutzucker, which is irritating to the bladder and lasts for a long time.

Medical advice is even more important

It is a fact that there are problems with solving a problem, a possible problem with solving problems. Health care is a complex system of lifestyle and genetic factors, and very serious problems are expected.

Study information and Schlussfolgerungen

The results of the study, the journal “Neurourology and Urodynamics” has shed light on, but it is a story about an investigation of the stillness of life in the connection with more active activities and a single experience that is an expression of the quality of life It is possible to beitragen.

These known facts will pose a risk to the risk that a person can live a healthy lifestyle. Individual well-being is no longer a property mark on one’s own prosperity, that is, the underlying fragments and the consequences of their situation.