
Why an Angelschnur Manhattan complete

Why an Angelschnur Manhattan complete

The son has never been to the East River, while Moshe Tauber has taken a small bus to the George Washington Bridge in Manhattan. On Riverside Drive, at 145th Street, it is a bit of a pleasure to do a nylon barn – it lasts 25 years. Not a single Thursday has leaked. “Do you see that angel barn from the top? It is about 145th Street to Madison Avenue. We have to check that now, we will catch it.”

Tauber is a greedy father, runs a nursery together with his wife and teaches as a rabbi and a Jewish debt. Jeden Donnerstag has emerged from the age of 50 from his hometown Monsey while he ran a stunde in the metropolis of New York, an era of Manhattan that exercised control – a Faden, which included a large part of the street of Manhattan. On Friday morning Tauber comes once more, to meet with craftsmen, to coordinate repair work – and to be quite sure that for Friday gathering all that exists is.

Eine Schnur, die liben am Sabbath is finished

“Am jüdischen Sabbath – also from Sonnenuntergang am Freitag bis zum Eintritt der Dunkelheit am Samstag – gibt es bestimmte Sachen, die nicht erlaubt sind,” said Adam Mintz, who works in Manhattan as a Rabbiner worker. “Eine Solche Sache ist das Tragen von Objekten außerhalb des eigenen Hauses – darunter fallt zum Beispiel auch das Schieben von Kinderwagen or Baseball games”, said er.

Rabbi Moshe Tauber checks his car at the Zustand of the Eruv in Manhattan. Photo: Christina Horsten/dpa

“Because of this, if we have lived for 2,000 years as a Rabbi in the Idea, that man could have no limits, that is virtually no open space, even if it is private. Then everything is there to be understood,” says Mintz. Ursprünglich – zur Zeit der Römer – a real Mauern will be addressed. “Aber das war irgendwann not more practical, therefore man makes use of your Schnüre and Pfosten.”

Weltweit gibt is zahlreiche Eruvs

It is a good city to benefit from the great community strength that Jews live in, in their own country – Antwerp and London, Toronto or Vienna. In the various city districts of New York, where estimates of more than a million people go to the Jewish Glauben-bekennen, it is more Eruvs.

When in Manhattan the Moshe Tauber leaves the Donnerstag with his little bus, he is the biggest in the world, says Rabbiner Mintz. From the 145th Street it is a place in the Southspitze Manhattans and a fast connection to the entire Insel area. Nothing that is the best is one of the best angels, it is one of the best things for other swimmers who are focused on life or the moon.

Seit der Begründung des Eruvs in Manhattan 1999, in Absprache mit der New Yorker Stadtverwaltung, is Rabbiner Mintz in Auftrag von rund einem Dutzender Einrichtungen und Organisationen offiziell dessen President – ​​​​ un Rabbiner Tauber dessen Hausmeister.

In the various city districts of New York, where estimates suggest that more than a million people attend Jewish faith ceremonies, it is more eruvs. Photo: Christina Horsten/dpa

“That’s all right,” said Mintz. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to make any progress in this regard.” Etwa 150,000 dollars since that year, which is responsible for the expenditure of legal services and personal income. “Die ganze schwere Arbeit Macht Rabbiner Tauber.”

Die great Gefahren für den Eruv: Bauarbeiten und Schneestürme

Vom Fahrersitz aus st Tauber die Schnur nicht aus den Augen. A little more is a delicious coffee from a thermobecher. “So from tomorrow it will be a fact, weil weniger Verkehr ist. Aber manchmal is then also more flexible, which will be nice.”

Vandalism has never happened, but most damage is caused by construction or support work, especially snow towers. After Wirbelsturm “Sandy” 2012, the craftsman under Taubers repaired a long time on the Eruv – and schafften is a sharp start to the Sabbaths.

A Stück Eruv in Manhattan is a connection between the Pfostens and the Straßenlaterne. Photo: Christina Horsten/dpa

From the 145th Street reads Tauber on the other side of the Insel Richtung Süden ab. Things are going wrong along the side of the East River. “I have a good time, because of the sunshine,” said Tauber, the Augen fest auf Straßenverkehr and Angelschnur judged.

Also Manhattan and all the other beach is nothing. “I say no time here, the synagogue is schaue ich mal vorbei.” The spirit is that time for the control of the control. “Normally it is often the case that there is more than one theme, but it is not so that my own learning on and how they still are.”

Don’t let go of the Eruv, President Mintz said. “It is a fact that people are like people, that the view is, that wenn is in the rule steht, that man on Sabbath not slow darf, that man sich then auch genau so that will stop soll.”

There is a Heimatstädtchen Monsey who gets up a little, says Tauber. “That’s what you get.” Inzwischen is aber auch dort einen – “and if a person wants to do something, it is so that he can prepare himself, ohne in his life. Before a person starts with small children, a person with a pram and the fresh air will do that.”

“The world stands”

With the black little bus the Tauber has come to the south point of Manhattan and drives along the Hudson River and back to the North. Around you the city is slowly waiting for life. First joggers and bikers are busy in the bars and clubs making partygoers. Most of the many things I have done, are in the purchase of English. The conviviality of these worlds is fascinating, said Rabbiner Mintz. “And the fact is that it is going so well, that it is so that the Eruv today still can be born.”

Also read:

There are only a few broken ones Stella hat Tauber and Diesem Donnerstagmorgen am Eruv entdeckt. Zurück am Ausgangsort seiner Kontrollfahrt is the Kleinbus and a black Klapphandy from the Hosentasche. “If I make a few phone calls and block everything, there is no internet access. I can now write messages now.” Whoever tips you off tomorrow morning is now a Mintz and the previous one and the other jüdischer Einrichtungen das Ergebnis seiner Controlfahrt. “Der Eruv steht.”