
Reaktion des Wirts goes viral – “Ziemlich arrogant Antwort”

Reaktion des Wirts goes viral – “Ziemlich arrogant Antwort”

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An Austrian Wirt has received a negative review, which the guest has not reviewed before ordering. This has not gone unnoticed.

Dölsach – Egal ob Friseur, Kino or Restaurant – Online-Bewertungen since das A und O jedes Geschäfts. There may be indications that vermeintlichen interferences are occurring, causing messages to be manipulated and manipulated, with the Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen information. We read in your appeal: “Vertrauen Sie Online-Bewertungen nicht blind!” This skepticism starts with the Wirt-eines Kult-Lokals in Österreich, a vernichtende negative-Bewertung ishalten hat.

„Thank you, that is the end of your life“: Wirt von Kult-Lokal responds to Negativ-Bewertung

On the Facebook account „Marinelli KultLokal“ the Wirt, Thomas Glanzer, painted the Grund for mine after a negative review. Demnach left the kitchen open until 8 p.m. Der besagte Gast started from 8.15 pm, as local in the 2000-Seelen-Meinde Dölsach in Tyrol “completely” war. “There is then a bisschen Zenober power”, so Glanzer. Weil der Guest keinen Platz more bekommen habe, sei wütend gegangen.

The Wirt des Kult-Lokals sei in diesem Moment bewusst gewesen, thats a negative-Bewertung on Google follow wird. “There is a fearless Mitarbeiter. At the very least, don’t waste your time, thank you very much for your welcome. It looks great when you sit down and respond: “Thank you, that’s the end of your life. The Personal was with a more comfortable Wirkung entlassen. Yes, everyone is friendly, but no one is more than happy to work.”

Syker Gastronomes know that such answers are based on gut feeling. If the positive reviews predominate, it is worth doing “the negative things that hang up”.

Gespaltene Meinungen zu Reaktion des Wirtes von Kult-Lokal: “Kritik vermutlich nicht unberechtigt”

Naturally acting is the answer to the thread now a satire. A negative review has emerged: “But from 99 percent of all guests we hear something else. While we naturally have no power, we may stop and erase some of our time, that all experiences are a good task.” And that comes along with the overcrowded guests. A reaction could lead to the disease spreading and going viral. Mittlerweile is an Internet star.

“Top comment”, wrote one of the Facebook pages with negative reviews of the most reichen local culture. Solche Gäste brauche geen, speziell, wenn man tagin and tagaus versuche, einen guten Job zu machen. Another Nutzerin ist der gleichen Meinung: „Sehr genial geantwortet.“ Es sei schlimm, was ich manche erlauben. “If you are a man, you will be happy, if you do not have a serious child, that you do not have to worry about anything.”

Aussicht in Dölsach in Tyrol, Österreich.
Dölsach is a Gemeinde im Bezirk Lienz in Österreich with etwa 2300 Einwohnern. © Stefan Rotter/Imago

Many people look at the display of the reactions to the negative messages: “See an arrogant antweed”, comment of a nut. Man can get a legitimate description, but the man can not get the Platz. “That here again so as to market, is a very bad silence and says, that the criticism was not necessarily unjustified.” Another story, that one knows as a business leader know of alone, that the tone the music powers.

Two Millions of Roads Negative Reviews: Wirt erklärt Gästen die Benimm-Regeln

After viewing the negative reactions and reactions to a message on Facebook, you will get the following video recordings, which your own mittlerwei zwei Millionen Mal geklikt wurde have clicked. Darin painted the Wirt not only the Premises, among other things, which the guests should relate to in cultural local statistics. Then you should make a reservation in other restaurants. “That is actually standard”, so Inhaber Glanzer.

There is clearly a positive and negative evaluation. “Aber mittlerweile hat das een solche Welle geschlagen.” Seiner Meinung nach nutzen attacked the internet-born anonymity with, “everything is a bisschen schlecht zu machen”. “It’s so natural that it’s not so good.” It’s time to eat in a restaurant in the valley. The emerging weederaufbau after the high wasser is a bad construction. ((kln)