
“The market for interactive displays will be available for further viewing”

“The market for interactive displays will be available for further viewing”

Secomp provides Lösungen von BenQ for Schools, Universitäten and other Bildungseinrichtungen​. I had an interview with Cédric Gremlich from Secomp and Kevin Kreuzer from BenQ about the partner’s benefits and knowledge.

Who would like to use a Secomp and BenQ product to represent the Bildungsinstituut?

Cédric Gremlich: The cooperation is based on a strategic trading partner of BenQ as a repairer and Secomp as a distributor. The soul of the soul on the Bereitstellung von technological solutions for debts, universities and other Bildungseinrichtungen ab. Secomp offers a number of consulting services, a debt and university education on the side of the right technologies for their students. There is a quick analysis of the specific requirements of an institution and the appropriate BenQ products.

Which Service Leistungen has Secomp gegenüber dem Handel in dieser Productgattung?

Gremlich: In practice with BenQ beet with its technical know-how, detailed information and debts. Also the Bildungsinstituen der gemeinsame technical support for Verfügung. You can get an overview of the most recent information, which the education reach and the administrative basis surrounds.

What art from products acts as a company, how is BenQ offered?

Kevin Kreuzer: BenQ has created a wide range of products for educational institutions. Google-EDLA certified interactive displays with BenQ Classroom Care technology provide a secure and interactive learning system that protects the user’s safety. Make sure you get your ideal information and communication benefits with digital signage solutions. Our software is device and utility management and a whiteboard tool that supports the program with BenQ products that are effective, making ergonomic TFT monitors work and learn while working.

What challenges do you see when activating the Bildungsinrichtungen after the integration of the technology and who could overcome these?

Kreuzer: Education institutions are at the forefront of the challenge, effectively using limited budgets. A new technology acceptance has been developed that enables the integration of debts for education resources, an effective use for desired benefits. Often it happened that the IT infrastructure and technical support were not really implemented. BenQ supports education institutions and integrators by developing massive debts, easy installations and warning solutions that go through the products, the easy to operate and the acceptance.

Who sees the Bildungsinstituut’s technology on the market, and what developments are on the market?

Kreuzer: The market for interactive displays is growing further in the education sector. These types of methods are often useful in learning and using digital resources. There is a real feedback feedback and a bad review of the beds. In general, interactive displays increase motivation and prepare students, students and students with modern technologies. The further is an extremely friendly and energy-efficient way to be more fragmented. If you are wiser with digitizing and digitizing data, BenQ will be set up in a safe and data protection compliant way.