
Inside IT: Chief Editor Reto Vogt nimmt den Hut

Inside IT: Chief Editor Reto Vogt nimmt den Hut

After three years, Chief Editor Reto Vogt has been happy. The 39th year will end the News platform Inside IT at the end of September. The online magazine that appeared in July for the Schlagzeil, we will reach one of the 20 percent of the 20 percent of the following purchases, while the results of the message are deleted ( message). «Damn, I’m leaving but nothing to do», so Vogt on request. Much more the burden has become increasingly greater. For years you have to let your team as a chef get to work with the Winsider-Verlags, after the sale of the Portals Medinside.

A new job that you can get at the angel: I started in October on an 80 percent-tuition as a digital study at the Swiss Journalism School MAZ. Dort followed Alexandra Stark. Daneben will be able to work on “his themes” as a freelance journalist. If you get started in the last period of your visit, it is a conversation with Dennoch: “It was a tough divorce, Inside IT to pass.”

In one of the Mitteilung, the is exclusive for the last time Vogts Arbeit lobbed. Unter seiner Leitung habe Inside IT in de letzten three Years die Leserschaft erheblich scaffolden. The Monatlichen Unique Clients have quadrupled to 200,000. “I beauure the Way of Reto Vogt sehr, there are massgeblich zum Erfolg von Inside IT beigetragen hat”, the Verleger quotes Christian Fehrlin.

Nachfolgerin aus den eigenen Reihen

In Reto Vogt’s Fussstapfen starting from October Katharina Jochum. If you spend a year on the Inside IT program, you can call yourself a stellar chef for the next three years. “I appreciate my entgegenbrachte Vertrauen and enjoy my new life”, so Jochum. Gemeinsam with my team would like to know Inside IT, “a more relevant meeting point of Schweizer IT-Szene zu sein”.

Supported by Mark Schröder. Experienced IT journalist with retired editor. It’s great in November for the team. Schröder would be committed to the Security Service Leader E3, where the Communications Responsible War will take place. This war lasted 20 years before the media changed as a factory worker in the IT era.

The best editorial team with Philipp Anz, Hans Jörg Maron and Christian Wingeier have found a solution. De Geschäftsführung des Winsider-Verlags-übernimmt Verleger Christian Fehrlin. Dieser sagt zu de aktuellen Werbeerlösen auf Anfrage: “It will be better if the first release of the Monate 2024. After that, the market will last forever.” Generell bleibe is aktuell schwierig abzuschätzen.