
Wahlkampf in Sachsen geht in den Endspurt

Wahlkampf in Sachsen geht in den Endspurt

Am Sonntag is in Sachsen gewählt, der Wahlkampf geht zu Ende. With Blick auf die Wahlen, many people demonstrate for democracy and tolerance.


The Wahlkampf in Saxony was on the Zielgerade one day before the Landtagswahl. In Leipzig the Linken-Spitzen candidate Susanne Schaper ihren Wahlkampf was found. In Görlitz, Zwickau and Dresden wollen Bündnisse with Blick auf die Wahlen für Toleranz and Demokratie demonstrate. The Kundgebung in the Landeshauptstadt cost 8,000 people.

The SPD hates the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz and Wahlkampf in the Freitag in Chemnitz, Federal Minister Robert Habeck is at war with the Unterstützung for the Greens in Chemnitz and Dresden. Ebenfalls zum Schlussspurt im sächsische Wahlkampf hatte sich CDU-Generalsekretär Carsten Linnemann and the Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer announced. The AfD organized the Wahlkampfabschluss with the Finnish Alice Weidel in Görlitz.

In Saxony, some 3.3 million people were called to the voting gates on Sunday. After a Forsa report was placed on the RTL/ntv channel, the CDU started with 33 percent of the second votes. The AfD came in at 31 percent, the Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) at 12 percent. The SPD had left with 7 percent of the cases in the country, the Greens with 6 percent of the cases.
