
Gemeinsamer Ausflug – Rotarier aus Baden und Mödling existaunten „La Gacilly“-Ausstellung

Gemeinsamer Ausflug – Rotarier aus Baden und Mödling existaunten „La Gacilly“-Ausstellung


Gemütlicher Ausklang at Volksbank-Weinkeller: Christian Schörg, Martin Heilinger, Michael Werba, Christoph Scholda (from left).


DThis means that both Rotary clubs from Baden and Mödling gathered their first experiences at the photo festival “La Gacilly” in Baden.

Christian Schörg leads to selected places or round seven kilometers of free time and the pleasure of the background of photos and the expo. Michael Werba, solo bassoonist of the Vienna Philharmonic and president of the Modlinger Rotarier, has broadcast the Auswärtsmeeting and has released a report about the Schwerpunkte in the heige years.

Other matters include supporting research projects for the treatment of ME/CFS. Disease. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a neuroimmunological multisystem disease, which is affected by an extremely severe illness, which is caused by the severe disease. The disease leads you to severe neglect, infirmity and care needs.

Christoph Scholda from RC Baden shows the good cooperation between both clubs that contributes to support. The gemütliche Ausklang fand im Weinkeller der Volksbank in Baden statt. Volksbank regional director Martin Heilinger, himself a Rotarian at RC Mödling, war stolz, the Räumlichkeiten in the service of the good Sache zu können.

The Rotary Club Baden was founded on November 59, 1930 and the Rotary Club Mödling (64 months) has existed since 1960.


Rotary-Mitglieder from Baden and Mödling best aunts from La Gacilly-Ausstellung in Baden.
