
Biathlon: Nächster Titel-Hammer in Altenberg

Biathlon: Nächster Titel-Hammer in Altenberg

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Biathlon: Nächster Titel-Hammer in Altenberg
Biathlon: Marlene Fichtner from Traunstein is a new German Meisterin in Verfolger. © Ruf /

To the end of the German masters in the biathlon cap is a big challenge. Marlene Fichtner goes to a package with a number of national titles. In the men’s category, Justus Strelow provided the greater Jubel in Altenberg.

Altenberg – The German Masters in Biathlon I started publishing Sonntag. Both women are themselves Marlene Fichtner with a furious Gold Medal FinalThe gentlemen are keen to grab a camp with the best ending for Justus Strelow.

There is a war going on at the German biathlon competitionserneut, the anspruchsvolle Strecke in Altenberg brought a super-rasching Siegerin reform. Im Verfolgungsracen over 10 Kilometers bei four Schießeinlagen stand after onem exciting races Marlene Fichtner all over the Treppchen.

Biathlon: Fichtner bleibt beim final Showdown is cool

The war of 21 years vom SC Traunstein when fun started running. After the Sprint on Samstag, starting a backstand of 40 seconds with Julia Tannheimer is the Sprint and the Run opener. Tannheimer and Juliane Frühwirt, who won Silver in the Sprint, certainly got their money’s worth. Fichtner aber blieb auf Schlagdistanz and behielt beim letzten Schießen die nerves.

The Chiemgauerin comb common ground with Frühwirt and Marion Wiesensarter and the Stehendanschlag. While I was able to compete in competition, I was able to feel free, went into Führung and brought Ihren Vorsprung ins Ziel. “I can’t glaze myself. It was a perfect breedfor everything I am Shooting position. I feel that the races have entered and have never had a problem. Ich freue mich einfach”, says a happy title bearer.

Biathlon: Wiesensarter holt zweite Medaille, Tannheimer packt lauferische Klasse aus

Die new German Meisterin blieb komplett ohne Strafrunde and the great national heritage has never been as young as Karriere. Wiesensarter, while the war began, schoss zwei Fehler, dared to take over his own medal in Altenberg. I am a Freitag who wants to see the Bronze medal.

The written Platz im Verfolger sicherte sich Tannheimer. Die 19-year-old Ulmerin has to win four Extra Rundsbrought a different form to the competition with a game in the lauferische class erneut aus. Sophia Schneider from SV Oberteisendorf took the fourth rank ahead of Julia Kink from WSV Aschau and Frühwirt (SV Motor Tambach-Dietharz). That is complete Ergebnis

Biathlon: Lokalmatador Strelow lässt Fans in Altenberg are cheering

The Deutschen Meisterschaften in Altenberg ends with the Verfolger der Herren over 12.5 kilometers. Lucas Fratzscher took the lead as Sprint Sieger das Rennen by Philipp Horn and Roman Rees. Fratzscher schoss inboth Liegendeinheiten fehlerfrei and lay at Halbzeit in Führung.

Stehend the power of the Thuringians aber three Fehler, the letztlich the two Sieg costs. Den Justus Strelow went to a Fratzscher heranI drove Schießen vorbei and brought the Vorsprung ins Ziel. Add the 27-year-old two Strafrundendrehen.

Strelow, who played the best field war in the World Cup winter, provided the greatest jubilation in the Sparkassen-Arena in Altenberg. Strelow hat in Altenberg den Biathlon-Sport erlernt and war as Lokalmatdor der gefeierte Hero des Wochenendes.

Bronze went and Philipp Hornwhile I was in the Goldmedaille and had a great Wochenende experience in the summer. Jubel goes to the Ziel for Matthias Dorfer. The 31-Jährige vom SV Marzoll is fond of Rennen and has been on the Laufbahn.

Damit endeten die Titelkämpfe in Saxony. The next summer event is the city biathlon in Dresden on September 15. (Source:, (truff)