
Buses in Australia: Verkehrsverstösse können weitreichende Folgen haben

Buses in Australia: Verkehrsverstösse können weitreichende Folgen haben

Touring club Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzero – TCS

Buses in Australia: Verkehrsverstösse können weitreichende Folgen haben

Nonius/Ostermundigen (ots)

Autofahrerinnen and autofahrer from the Schweiz-müssen Buses for the foreign country started generating delicious products. If the bus is no longer used, the country can no longer be affected by the consequences of the next event. The TCS-gibt-tips for the most important insurers of the nachbarländer and it was a few problems with this situation.

With the end of the holidays and the backpack in the Home for those Swiss and Swiss for all the beautiful memories and the happy days in Australia. But in months Fallen wartet zu Hause bereits a Bussgeldbescheid. Many car manufacturers and car manufacturers start to sell in Australia, while they are a fahrlässigkeit or einfach, while the Traffic Regulations other countries do not know.

Different regulations

The traffic regulations in Ausland can be abrogated from the Road Traffic Act of Switzerland. If the car travels in Ausland, it is so that you can not follow the rules in the federal states, the man can or must inform you about an unreliable information about your avoidance. If a company starts to regulate the trade and the bus transport has started to set up the TCS, then it is first the first step in the process. So riskier is that the man can no longer earn money and has to leave one of the following countries – up to his 30 percent Nachlass on the requested amount. The American car manufacturers and car manufacturers who have visited the Schengen countries will start the Swiss and other European federal states to provide information, which can lead to a change for another European sanction with the silent effect or the cutbacks ung des Fahrzeugsführen.

Law enforcement of Switzerland and other states

Given the money withdrawals over the police and customs-lawful joint work of Switzerland and other countries, the owners of the country of travel can secure the release of the Führer’s license at the swaying exclusions. One of the various types of groups can use the rights of Switzerland and other countries to hang foreign management bus money documents or documents of criminal cases in the economy with direct sale by mail in the Switzerland-schicken. While a bus does not pay, the foreign policy of Switzerland can take place the expedition of the bearbeitungs- and Mahngebühren-verlangen. The ownership of the money bus by one of the Australian state beauty effects is not hinged. Dennoch is an empfehlenswert, to prevent the busse bailiff from incurring an (absolute costs and ink costs), damned man himself bei a späteren Einreise in the country in question where there is no longer any reason. If there is no bus left, there may be a target price when you see it. Erscheint man in die autumn, not his treatise, bestht die Gefahr, dass bei nem nächsten Besuch im regardingn Land ein Rechtkräftiges Urteil aussprochen wird.

Führerausweisentzug in der Schweiz möglich

Wird im Ausland für ein nach Schweizer Recht als een mediumschwer or schwerwiegend eingestuftes Verkehrsvergehen ein Fahrverbot ausgesprochen, können Schweizer Behörden de Führerausweis entziehen. A Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung of 30 km/h on a motorway in Italy is gilded with Schweizer Recht as mediocre Verstoss, der allenfalls een inmonatigen Führerausweisentzug kann, sofern in Ausland ein Fahrverbot ausgesprochen. In Switzerland, automatic and legal warnings and warnings in the register of the administrative mass were carried out. For a person who has made the best choice, record the data on the escape routes in Switzerland that crosses the border with Australia’s Ausland. Hinge can be made the beginning of the insertion into the Australian country, when the person takes a road in the registration. The Swiss belongings take in this case a single entry event.

First and last right

Every bus is the vehicle owner or the vehicle owner within one year after the loss by registration with a receipt or person of the owner, who places the bus, announce. The first step for the money bus can take place in the arrangement of the country 5 and 60 days after the withdrawal of the debts. Dieselbe is also gilded, when the registration is not held. A penalty can the first time that the relevant countries and the basic principles in the land arrangement are enshrined, begin with the following decisions. The description must support itself on concrete proof. While the description is proven, it is important to know, that it is so that the bet on the double of our tried bets can take place.

Legal protection while traveling

There are cases of debt or right in the economy with a money bus or a better sanction that can lead to Austausch with the Australian interests as elongated and zermürbend erweisen. If the TCS company has left the Abschluss-een-rechtsbeschermingverziening, there is a case of all-fallige Schäden in Ausland-abdeckt; So one can end up in a dream with a competent deliberation by legal experts and experts and a cumbersome absischerung-verlassen.

These traffic rules are common in Australia

Grundsätzlich since bei Farten im Ausland sämtliche Verkehrsschilder on the beach. The TCS website provides general information about the federal states of the Schengen countries and the country-specific traffic regulations (Schengen-Raum). Ebenfalls feel that they are in the Fahrzeug mitzuführenden Ausrüstungsgegenständen (mandatory Ausrüstung).

What varies in the Schweiz is that Bussen is in the Schwere des Verstosses. Most jewelry can vary greatly, and the best choice is to exercise higher penalties in the Schweiz-führen. Often a discount is needed if the bus takes a best first step. If someone with a bus has no sense at all, there is a problem with the transfer of business and that of one’s own legal protection – so that it can no longer be expanded. In this fall, the bus fare statement is separated from the beach.

Checklist for transport buses in Ausland:

Press contact:

Vanessa Flack, Mediensprecherin TCS
Phone 058 827 34 41 | [email protected]