
This substance is bad for the Hirn

This substance is bad for the Hirn

The problem is that there is a current on the spiritual lifestyle and the Wohlbefinden. No food can be positive on the Gehirn aus. Whichever that is, we betray in this video. There is no question of a disturbance on an unrequited lifestyle and an unanswered search. No food can be positive about our health. A US study has investigated the best research results and the severity of the neurological analyses for the costs. If the substances are heard Zucker, the cognition ability can be attempted. A part of the transfer, which increases the risks for the most part of the enterprise, and increases the knowledge of life. Artificial colors are suspected, hyperactivity to favor, especially in children. Glutamate, high in the treatment, can promote neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Aspartame, a dusty substance in the products, is unnoticed and can promote the effect of the product. Vitamin and citron synthetic products can pose an increased risk. A balanced intake with natural Lebensmitteln also protects not only the body, under the Gehirn.