
Dieser Duesenberg Model SJ Speedster from 1935 won The Peninsulas Best of the Best

Dieser Duesenberg Model SJ Speedster from 1935 won The Peninsulas Best of the Best

The Peninsulas will receive “Best of the Best” from the international Hospitality Mark on the Wunschliste. In those years a 1935 Atemberaubender Duesenberg Model SJ Speedster was released from Lorbeer.

Manche is for brilliance and glory, others for possibilities of all arts, who find their father very, few are for poor fame and then a gift, who at a Concours antreten, a long-held desire to inherit – and then also drive home with the high price. Grandiose trophies are given, but The Peninsula “Best of the Best” is jene – if a man has the Wahl hat -, that is gilded. The concours-competition-war season continues, but the war is between Duesenberg Model SJ Speedster, the high price is high and the possession is an emotional moment beschert.

The Duesenberg comes from the private collection of Major General William Lyon of the US Air Force, who inspired the Leiden leadership for the car and air traffic design, a museum for both in California’s Orange County in the ground. Bill H. Lyon, of the car collection with the Lyon Air Museum, became war, so the Erbe des Vaters will commemorate: “It is a great honor, in the name of my fathers who this designation entgegen zu take. Among impressive collections, The Peninsula Best of the Best Award has long been recognized as the most significant award. “

Renowned for their opulence and marine power, the SJ Speedster model is one of only 38 copies from a total of 481, which were equipped with a compressor – damned wartime model center of the three years one of the most important American cars. This car dealership is one of the only copies that a Gurney Nuttings company from the Car body builder, John Gurney Nutting with high personal attention has. There is an end to the ganze-mastery and the verlihting of Duesenberg, an unparalleled price and the glamour, a mysterious diva. You can order the Speedster for the royal service in the Maharadja holkar of Indore. There is a single brand name that is rotten and blue and lighter and lighter, a signal that now of the Maharadja or the Maharani hints at the helmsman gives.

Who has so many other experiences with the Classic Driver in total in those Cabrios from the 1930s, and our CEO JP Rathgen said: ‘Der Duesenberg is a wonderful design, that extravagant Autodesign can have. If I’m a little orderly, there is another Concorso Villa d’Este Best of Show-Auto at the wunderbaren Peninsula Classic Best of the Best won. For my personal war there is an exciting moment, while the car is seen with the car, the villa at the Villa d’Este will win a hatte, before the jury has a fantastic concours for the award ceremony. “

When Blickfang arrives at The Peninsula London on September 3, guests and guests will flock to the large Duesenberg studies from September 4 to 14 – a large study is being held in The Lobby. If the best of this luxury Meisterwerks Ihren Appetit gets angry, then it may be that the automotive-inspired Classic Car Afternoon Tea, the figure of the world, has won the nomination for the Best of the Best Award.