
Beseelt vom Idealismus des Siedlungsbaum

Beseelt vom Idealismus des Siedlungsbaum

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Beseelt vom Idealismus des Siedlungsbaum
Modern Einkaufen: Das Nordwestzentrum im Frankfurter Stadtteil Heddernheim kurz nach seiner Opening in October 1968. © picture alliance / Manfred Rehm

In the Beispiel of the Frankfurter Nordweststadt, Sebastian Moll started with the architecture of the nachkriegszeit and the German Erinnerungskultur. A Buchauszug.

One of the last years of January 2023 was the steps of the finished terrace to follow the other Frankfurter Polizei-Hauptwache, a U-Bahn-Fahrschein for the Line 1 of the buy. It is a gang, the ich gewiss-tough man who goes into the past-fünfzige years, ohne je very conscious diesen Platz verzunehmen.

If you are in the Sinn, while you isolate the reconstructed Baroque building of the Hauptwache in the Concrete-conscious Steht, whoever has heart and absurd contrasts with Hades, is a denial of the Bahnlinie and all Ecken der Stadt and Hinaus in the Umland-führen. And while I thought it would be so, it was so that this city died in the center of the metropole, on all Bahnlinie and Magistralen and all city quarters.

Imagine that day when you are with the Rolltreppe of the disused terrace in the background of the sogenante B-Ebene, which is still in most Jugend-wegen der many Obdachlosen en Drogenabhängigen, die hier Warm, Almosen en Schutz zoalsten, in Verruf-war. I have a pilgerfahrt with the U1-plant. The war is on October 4, 1968 when the largest U-Bahn line of the city is eindigeweiht.

The U1 sollte damas das City-Zentrum with the Nordweststadt connect and both – the new Alte Hauptwache and the Endpunkt der Fahrt, the Einkaufszentrum in the Mitte der Trabantensiedlung Nordweststadt – were under greater Anteilnahme der Bevölkerung and jenem Tag zammen with the U1 more reliably better immune mountain areas.

Heute sind Hauptwache und Nordwestzentrum zwei Pole, die all jenen, die Frankfurt voor een verbaute hoffnungslos Ausgeburt een merbarmungslosen Nachkriegs-Moderne halten, in het zijn zijn zijn zijn. Here is the unsentimental Verkehrszentrum under the decorative Barockbau, the inmitten of the Kaufhauser and the Mayor of the Innenstadt contexts and lost work.

While the Satellitenstadt in the 1960s of the last century with the Zeitgenossinnen Neue Vahr in Bremen, Gropiusstadt and Markisches Viertel in Berlin and other German Trabant cities in the era of the symbolic ‘perverted functionalism’ in the 1990s was influenced by the Frankfurt architectural criticism eh Jahren schrieb.

When the time comes, four years after my first birthday, the Line 1 and my final station were neither the symbol of the fortschritts, another Meilenstein Frankfurts on the way to the city of the Future. Zehntausende came and jenem Tag and the Hauptwache and in the Northwestern Center, the Prinzessinnen-Garden of the Carnival Association marched up and down the Bahnsteige, Minister-President, Oberbürgermeister and sogar of the Federal Transport Minister kept Reason and the Hessenschau-berichtete live with a special end. There is a war between the Spirit and the Days, which in January had a gray January victory, but which is a Concrete, nor was he of the Euphoria that Time Reigns.

The war in Nordweststadt is one of the most important projects of the Planer des Neuen Frankfurt nach de Krieg. A living quarters on the green Wiese am Stadtrand for 25,000 people, thanks to the large number of green houses and large living quarters, with a single family home consisting of 13-storey living quarters. All social scenes are here harmonious amalgamations, reichlich provided with Light, Light and vor allem Raum (not the concept of “Lebensraum” is included in the construction of the Neubaugebiets).

The direct connection and the inner city with the U-Bahn vervollständigte the vision of the modern city, in housing, work and freedom are obtained and yet practically explored. So the war dies at the U1 of the final triumph during the mudddelige chaos of the middle city, the von the alliierten bombings are practically seen most likely war.

The vision of the major construction projects was the war in the Klinik Nordwest, which took place in 1963 in the Edge of the Baugebieten. The Gebäude is best with a seat made of Beton and Stahl on the Anhöhe über of Nordweststadt, the Niederurseler Hang, the strict Grid of the Outer Fassade Force is a Monument for the erasure of Rationalität, which is now, after the Herrschaft des Wahnsinns wahrend der NS – Zeit, in Ganz Frankfurt, yes in Nachkriegsdeutschland, das Leben und Zusammenleben bestimmen sollte.

Ebendort I came in 1964 – the war in Nordweststadt in Abschnitten finished – to the world. If I were to take this new direction, while the new and fortunate war was taking place, the region was his big hat. My father had, as he said, Beziehungen. Since 1959, a war has been going on for the „Nassauische Heimstatte“, one of the large communal useful housing units of the Landes Hessen and one of the main construction projects of the large projects in Nordweststadt.

My father’s war was based on the idealism of the Siedlungsbau to run the Frankfurter Innenstadt, his company changed its hat. Schließlich hatte there was a family home, so that it would be right for my own life to be occupied, in a home life. And if I break out a community together with my war, I mutter for my work with free time, often by other Heimstätten-Siedlungen, which is my stolz-vorführte. A Mittagessen in the Wienerwald-Restaurant der Fritz-Kissel-Siedlung in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen, the first Nachkriegssiedlung der Heimstätte, gehörte zu my Lieblingsritualen jener Vater-Sohn-Samstage.

The socio-political program of the harmful Siedlungsbau is wonderful in the Broschüre des Frankfurter Bau- und Planungsdezernats of the Eröffnung of Nordweststadt. Hans Kampffmeyer wrote plans for plans from 1956 to 1972 in the war and – with a powerful power statute – the insight into the new Frankfurt that no one else had: “Städtebau has the task, all Daseinsäußerungen Raum zu geben. There are many different artefacts from sin and inhaled human and gesellschaftlicher existence and damned bad intoxication problems and their consequences. (…) In the differences between the most popular bed cities, there are often no best trends in walking and hiking tours and the idea of ​​the ‘open society’ very much reflects the support for entsprechenden entwicklungsopenen Stadtdreumen.“

It is also war with the multiplicity of the utopia, in the wortwörtliche hineingeboren wurde. The Nordweststadt is a stellvertretend for the 35 Frankfurter Wohnsiedlungen and more than 215,000 Wohnungen, which the wars and the beginning of the 60s begin, a neutral Nährboden for a new Gesellschaft-bieten. Vom Bau vorgeben was only the social Durchmisung. Professors in the family home and the construction in housing have come to sour problems in a number of other ways. The processing of the mines has arisen on the Platz in such a way that it becomes freer and more organic.

One of the main causes of the war in January 2023 was also the power that was on the road in the Nordweststadt, a question of war. The Erwartung war is not big. The war between the 50 and 60 years lasts about the 80s in Verruf. And the Trabantenstädte, are multiply social Brennpunkten, which represent as an Inbegriff a social democratic Wohnungspolitik.

Anstelle der Ausbildung new social forms war in the Siedlungen, so the einhellige Meinung der Commentators, since the 80er Year Isolation and Verelendung gotreten. In the course of the Nordweststadt Kritiker Bartetzko could now “verödete” and “klägliche” Treffpunkte with Trinkhallen and trostlose Jugendzentren entdecken. Visuell is lost in one of the normative forms of an economy, which is in its orienting power.

During the 2023s, the utopia of the 60s will no longer be safe and reliable. The Nordwestcentrum, the Einkaufs-, Freizeit- und Kulturzentrum, the core of the small city, is one of the most attractive forms of worktags. If you get off the U-Bahn station at the center of the Rolltreppe, and the Kolonnaden, a Boulevardgefühl sets in. The cafes and restaurants are full, in the boutique with coin shop.

Everything Marker dessen did, was in the civil war of the Sinn Städtische power, but there was no one. It is a shopping center, so who is it in the Vorstädten of the USA, in the Middle Europe in Tausenden, and in the Sinn “gesichtslos”. There are no individual persons from historical periods and a representation of the electronic commerce from multinational chains. But as the social center of the northern Frankfurter funktioniert is expensive.

The book.
The book. © Suhrkamp