
«The Room Next Door»: Pedro Almodovar’s new film in Venice – Culture

«The Room Next Door»: Pedro Almodovar’s new film in Venice – Culture

Pedro Almodovar presented himself at the Lido as the first English feature film. A drama about the star with Tilda Swinton and Julianne Moore is a very reassuring alternative work.

At this moment it fell into the Venedig wartet: The Spanish master director and Oscar winner Pedro Almodovar, Guest on the Lido, presents his new Drama «The Room Next Door».

This was not accompanied by a Spanish actress, the son of the Scot Tilda Swinton and the American Julianne Moore – both of whom are Oscar winners.

Two women shave through a window at a city skyline.

Hollywood stars Tilda Swinton (left) and Julianne Moore play best friends Martha and Ingrid.

Venice Film Festival

After the two English-language Kurzfilms «Strange Way of Life» (2023) and «The Human Voice» (2020, with Tilda Swinton in the main role), follow now Almodovar’s first English Spielfilm – a Drama, that’s the end.

“The human voice”

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Tilda Swinton in Pedro Almodovars is an English-language project «The Human Voice».

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Pedro Almodovar’s Dutch-language Kurzfilm «The Human Voice», released with Tilda Swinton in the Hauptrolle, in 2020 in the world premiere.

The Hollywood stars play the best friends Martha and Ingrid. The standard of living has become, one has become a critical report, the other bestseller cars. If you are a different person after a few years, it is one of the many todkranken.

Liebeserklärung und Frauen in kühlerem Ton

Both women are in the stark, complicated and non-hanging female figures that Pedro Almodovar’s universe achieves. It is my dear wife, who dies in a Krise-stecken, in Rande a Nervenzusammenbruchs. Sie sind Hauptdarstellerinnen in sinnlichen Melodramen, die – trotz schwerer Themen wie often dem Tod – Lebensfreude versprühen. Bunt, shrill and leadschaftlich.

Mann with weissem Hair and Sunglasses for Gebäudehintergrund.

Star director Pedro Almodovar reigns supreme over cool – the most recent film was a new English film.

Venice Film Festival

But with the first English-language feature film is a new one, which the Spanish journalist David Martos says, the Almodovar’s career says years: “A man can know for sure, the zum american film noir is recognized. It has become one of the few, elegant, elegant and American work.”

The director himself says about the film in the film: “I want a more controversial, stronger, more emotional, but not at all melodramatic signal.”

Accept the sternness of your life

When it comes to gelungen, the intention is that Martha Krebs plays in the Endstadium and can exercise her autonomous life in the end of the sets. “Der Krebs can not get criticism if I get into trouble,” he said. If it is no longer possible that Freundin Ingrid is one of the most common cases, then it is Sterben zo begleiten. Not an ihrem Bett, son of Raum nebenan.

Two women sit on a blue-gray couch in a living room.

Martha (Tilda Swinton, right) is white and the other Freundin Ingrid (Julianne Moore) was one of the most feisty bits.

Venice Film Festival

Ingrid wants a. And I think that now I have my fear of asking them and that I can use them differently. It is one of the most important things that came about in the 74th century: ‘I think that you want to show a Tag a Tag, which will not live either. Ich würde viel probably to think, that is a Tag more ist, den ich erlebt habe.»

Preparing for the day

History is no longer of Schmerz, but of Leben, of zärtlicher Freundschaft, Empathy and Property. The fascination for the 63-years Tilda Swinton, who herself has a fear of death: “This film is about Selbstbestimmung, of jemandem, the best, the Leben and the Dyben in the own Hand of their nehmen and both, so that they can choose gestalten.”

Triumph on the rotten teppich: With «The Room Next Door» Pedro Almodovar is a very good alternative work, das auf dem Lido got an unheimisch applause. It is the best chance to get brilliant Darstellerinnen, a prize for your wins. For the director it is a matter of arranging with any theme.

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SRF1, 10vor10, 3.9.2024, 9:50 PM.