
Bellevue Martial Arts School Offers Free Self-Defense Classes After Attempted Child Abduction

BELLEVUE, Neb. (WOWT) – Malachi Vogel is seven years old. He started practicing Kung Fu two years ago at the American Academies of Martial Arts in Bellevue.

He shares the mat with his father, Chris Vogel, and with each class, Chris sees his son transform.

“He’s louder. He’s more confident. He knows he can defend himself and he can get out of a bad situation,” his father said.

Last month, the time came when those skills could have been used off the mat. Bellevue police and Bellevue Public Schools told parents about an attempted kidnapping: a man in a gray sedan with no license plates asked a child to get into his car. The man was never caught.

Bellevue police told 6 News they encourage self-defense, such as the classes taught at Mark Goblowsky’s school, where Malachi attends.

“Self-defense is like swimming lessons and car insurance. You need it before you get out of the boat, before you get into a car accident. Ideally, you have it before you need it, that’s the most important thing,” Goblowsky said.

Vogel, an instructor who has been active for 20 years, gave some tips for dangerous situations.

First, make a scene and be loud.

“Usually your voice is also very powerful. It helps to deter it before it becomes physical. Sometimes we can run away. Sometimes we can use our voice. Actually, violence is a last resort,” Vogel said.

If things do get physical, he suggests placing the palm of your hand hard on your nose or placing a knee in your groin.

Then run away and make as much noise as possible.

They also demonstrated an open hook attack, similar to a punch with more momentum, but with the heel of your palm.

Especially since the man who put a community on edge is still out there. Goblowsky says self-defense “can be the single best thing you ever do for your child.”

Hopefully Malachi will never need it, but his father is confident his son is prepared – just in case.

Later this month, American Academies Martial Arts School will offer a free self-defense class for kids.